Messages from Diverse Sources
Wednesday, June 21, 2023
There Is a Corner of the Universe Where the Lord Is Waiting to Shelter You All!
Message from Our Lady Queen to Myriam Corsini in Carbonia, Sardinia, Italy of June 17, 2023

Most Holy Mary:
My beloved children, I am here with you, I sign your hearts with the sign of the cross.
Embrace this cross My children, carry it forward in love, offer your sacrifice to Jesus, show yourselves worthy of being chosen for this last earthly mission in love and charity. Heaven is quivering in anticipation of His Divine Intervention. My children, shortly Heaven will open for the descent of Jesus with all His Heavenly Army and it will be a feast on Earth, because the Lord will take all His Children with Himself, snatching them from the hands of Satan.
There is a corner of the Universe where the Lord is waiting to shelter all those who have dedicated themselves to Love, who have followed Him in faithfulness and put Him first in their lives. On this Planet there is so much joy, so much love, so much comfort!!! Your stop on this world will be one of indescribable joy-you will remember it forever! I will not erase this memory. My children,
I will exalt you to the glory of God the Father, I will place your hearts in My Sacred Heart, ... I will hold you close to Me. My children,
you have been chosen to be worthy to bear this cross and carry it with victory.
Satan is afraid
of all those who are following Jesus Christ, of all those children who love Jesus in faithfulness and true love, who have given their lives for Him, for the salvation of their brothers and sisters. You are at the end of an earthly period My children;
shortly a new time will come upon the new Humanity. God's Children will enjoy His gifts; they will have the grace to know the new Age. My beloved children, how much love! ...How much love in My Heart for you!
I have educated you in the Things of God, I have breathed upon you a breath of new life to fortify you in this winding ascent: God the Father Almighty has given Me the commission to bring you to Him: this mission is victorious in Christ Jesus.
Earth trembles everywhere, volcanoes break out, seas rise, coasts crash: ...little of what you know today will remain on this world! Through fire and water, the Earth will be purified along with Humanity. We have worked hard My children! Jesus is pleased with the "called" to Himself, with all those who have responded in faithfulness and true love to follow Him.
My children,
you do not know how much I love you, how much I desire to take you in My arms and place you in the new world, to make you enjoy eternally the blessing of the Heavenly Father: to rejoice infinitely with Jesus who will cradle you in His arms, and I, your Blessed Mother, with Him. My children, in this new world, together we will play, sing and praise the glory of God.
Onward My children! One more last effort!
You have now come to the end of an ancient time: everything is about to be "new" in your eyes.
As if by magic you will find yourself in a new land. Amen!
I am here with you, in this holy place: I embrace you to Me, take you by the hand and pray the Holy Rosary with you, always, ...until Jesus tells Me.
I prepare you for your meeting with Him!
I bless you, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen!
Praised be Jesus Christ!
Always be praised!
Praised be the Most Sacred Hearts of Jesus, Mary and Joseph. Amen!
Source: ➥