Messages from Diverse Sources


Monday, June 26, 2023

A Foreshadowing of Darkness

Messages from Heaven Given to Beloved Shelley Anna on the 26th day of June 2023


A Message from Saint Michael The Archangel

As Angelic feathers of wings overshadow me, I hear Saint Michael The Archangel say.

As your Watchful Defender, I urge you to take refuge in The Sacred Heart of Jesus Christ.

It is most urgent that you and your loved ones, and your safe dwellings, be consecrated to The Sacred Heart of Our Lord, where darkness cannot penetrate.

Satan’s evil is reflected by children of darkness who portray themselves in his likeness.

Ambassadors who where once for Christ have embraced darkness by rejecting the light.

A foreshadowing of darkness makes way for the abomination of desolation.

When his restraints are lifted, his time of darkness will begin.

His evil is mirrored upon the world, casting reflections of darkness upon humanity,taking possession of the vulnerable souls that reject Jesus Christ, Redeemer of the world.


Demonic activity has heightened, because they know their time is short.

Embrace the light by walking in the love of Jesus Christ.

Place your trust in Christ, The Risen Lord, who has delivered you out of darkness, and surrounds you with His marvelous light.

With My sword unsheathed, I stand ready with multitudes of Angels to defend you from the wickedness and snares of the devil who’s days are few in number.

Thus saith,

Your Watchful Defender.

A Message from The Lord Given to Beloved Shelley Anna

Jesus takes my hand, and he says,

I did not give you a spirit of fear.

Fear not, I have gone to prepare a place for you, and I will return as Merciful Savior,and I will take you to Myself.

Fear not, I will carry you when you fall.

Fear not, My Light shines forth in the darkness.

Fear not, the storm that rages, I command the winds to be still.

I have lit the way.

Do not despair, stay on My path, picking up the lost souls along the way.

Thus saith,

The Lord.

Conformation Scriptures

2 Timothy 1:7

For God hath not given us the spirit of fear: but of power, and of love, and of sobriety.

Revelation 13:2

The beast I saw resembled a leopard, but had feet like those of a bear and a mouth like that of a lion. The dragon gave the beast his power and his throne and great authority.

Source: ➥