Messages from Diverse Sources
Saturday, July 8, 2023
Remain Hidden in the Garden of Our Most Sacred Hearts
Messages from Our Lady Queen to Martin Gavenda in Dechtice, Slovakia

Sunday, January 15, 2023
My beloved children!
My motherly desire is that you continue to remain united with Me. In this way I will be able to protect П: you from the corruption of this world. May your souls be united with My soul to glorify God. May your spirit be united with My spirit to exult in God our Savior. May your hearts be in My Heart to love God and live for Him. Be messengers of My message so that the lost may know that the Blessed Mother is seeking them to save their souls. Sadly, many of My children have forsaken unity with Me and have accepted the guidance of unclean spirits. They can still return to the way of the Immaculate Heart of your Mother to belong to God again.
I immerse you in the love of Jesus and of My Heart.
Wednesday, February 15, 2023
My beloved children!
Many of you are tired of this world, wounded and sick. Seek healing in the Sacrament of Reconciliation and the Holy Sacraments. Deliverance from sins is the most important healing. By receiving the Holy Body of My Son you are healed. My purified Heart, His love and the graces of God which I give you through My caring hands heal you. You do not need healing from self-proclaimed charismatic healers by the laying on of hands. You need the holy sacraments to live a holy life.
I immerse you in the love of Jesus and My Heart.
Wednesday, March 15, 2023
My beloved children!
Look at Golgotha where you will see the Sacred Heart of Jesus together with My Immaculate Heart, united in co-redemptive love. In these two Sacred Hearts a new spring will blossom for the holy Catholic Church. The Holy Spirit will descend and renew her by returning her to the roots of Holy Catholic Tradition as My Son left it to you. It will be the triumph of our most Sacred Hearts over Satan and the demons. I, your most holy Mother, will be crowned by the Catholic Church, out of the love of the Most Holy Trinity, with the victorious wreath of Co-redemptrix, Mediatrix and Intercessor. This victory is coming and no one will thwart it. The Holy Catholic Church suffers much persecution, but remember that the victory is coming. It is the victory of the Holy Cross and the glorious Resurrection.
I immerse you in the love of Jesus and My Heart.
Saturday, April 15, 2023
My beloved children!
Remain hidden in the garden of our most Sacred Hearts so that you may be safe and live for the glory of God. You are like precious flowers that live by faith, watered by God's grace. Remain faithful to the teachings of My Son and to Holy Catholic Tradition, so that your conscience may not be distorted. The Triune God will thus be pleased with you. Guard against sin and guard the thoughts and movements of your hearts so that they may be holy, unpoisoned by an evil spirit.
I immerse you in the love of Jesus and My Heart.
Monday, May 15, 2023
My beloved children!
Daily pray the Holy Rosary united to My Immaculate Heart. When you pray it, it is as if you were lovingly giving Me a bouquet of beautiful roses. Through this holy prayer, Heavenly dew falls on your souls. You need to pray it so much daily to resist the corrupt world.
I immerse you in the love of Jesus and My Heart.
Thursday, June 15, 2023
My beloved children!
Behold the Sacred Heart of Jesus united with My Immaculate Heart. They are united by the Holy Spirit who is opposed to the corrupt spirit of this world. Ask the Holy Spirit to unite you with Our Most Sacred Hearts so much so that your life becomes virtuous and holy, as Our Most Sacred Hearts are virtuous and holy. Protect your souls with fervent prayer and pure faith, so that Satan may not poison you with his hatred and malice. Our Sacred Hearts with Saint Michael the Archangel are near you. Entrust yourselves to our protection. Children, fight and restrain evil with the truth of faith.
I immerse you in the love of Jesus and of My Heart.
Source: ➥