Messages from Diverse Sources


Monday, July 10, 2023

Receiving Holy Communion Unworthily

Message from Our Lord to Valentina Papagna in Sydney, Australia on July 2, 2023


During the Holy Mass, after I received Holy Communion and went back to the pew and knelt, I thanked the Lord for coming to me, and I thanked Him for everyone present who did not thank Him, and I asked Him to be merciful to all of us.

Instantly our Lord Jesus answered, “Valentina, My child, I want to confide in you how offended I Am and deeply hurt every time they distribute Me in Holy Communion. My Sacred Body that is given to you all to nourish you, so many people receive Me unrepentant and full of sin, even with Mortal Sin. Nobody confesses, only a handful of people.”

“People think that if they receive Me, I will clean their soul. Oh no, My children, you are wrong.” He said.

“You must confess your sins and plead to Me for forgiveness. You who receive Me without Confession, you harm your own soul as well, and it will do you no good until you confess.”

“Don’t be afraid to come to Me. I will help you and forgive you because I love you, but of course, I blame My shepherds, My priests, because they don’t speak of Confession anymore because they don’t want to offend the people.”

Our Lord Jesus was so sad telling me this and lamenting how hurt He is during the distribution of Holy Communion. Then He said, “Valentina, My child, I will give you My pain that I receive from ungrateful creatures, that pain Me so severely. Accept it with love.”

At that moment, as our Lord said these words, I received the most severe pain in my body. I could not move from my seat. I was paralysed.

I said, “Lord Jesus, I can’t take it anymore.”

Our Lord stood there watching me when He answered, “Endure a few more minutes. Your pain will console Me for all offences I received in the Holy Eucharist. Pray for all of this, and speak to priests. Tell them to remind people to confess and to repent of their sins.”

The pain lasted about five to seven minutes.

I said, “My Lord have mercy on all of us.”

Source: ➥