Messages from Diverse Sources


Thursday, July 13, 2023

The World Has Entered into the Time of Warning

Message from Our Lord to Beloved Jennifer in USA on July 5th, 2023


My Child, I come to you now with great urgency that the world has entered into the time of warning. I do not speak of the time of My visitation, rather this is a time of warning that will usher in the time when all of humanity will be brought to his knees to see their soul as I see it. My child, those who fail to recognize this time—when evil is seeking to elevate itself yet is being simultaneously pierced by the light of truth—will find themselves like the foolish virgins. I tell My children with great urgency that it is time to repent. It is time to recognize the hour you are living in. I am a God of repetition.

Mankind must turn away from evil and defend the truth. Those who turn away in ignorance will be as those who failed to heed the warnings of Noah. I say to My people — defend and protect My little ones. As I have warned before the blood of the innocent is upon the world because too many have failed to defend and protect them. Woe to those who seek to harm My children in their sinful lust. Woe to those who seek to manipulate My creation, My plan. It is time, My children, to come to the fountain of My mercy. Those who fail to come and seek the ocean of My mercy will come to the harbor of My justice. Turn away, turn away from darkness and seek the light, for I am Jesus and My mercy and justice will prevail.

Source: ➥