Messages from Diverse Sources
Friday, July 28, 2023
My Child, Prayer Is the Greatest Form of Love
Message from Our Lord to Beloved Jennifer in USA on July 27th, 2023

July 27th, 2023 - 8:45am
My child, prayer is the greatest form of love. Praying for your enemies—for those who condemn you—is the greatest act of redemptive suffering because it unites a soul to My passion, death and resurrection. It is in suffering that the soul receives the ultimate measure of My love.
My child, the world is thirsting for the truth and hungering for justice. My children, if you desire to be quenched of your thirst and satisfied of your hunger then turn away from the world and come and receive Me in the Eucharist.
The world is unraveling and many are running in fear but I am not the author of fear. I am the true Prince of Peace. Time is passing and I say to My people do not live for this world, live for eternity. All that you need to sustain yourself in this life is offered at the altar of My mercy. When through the consecrated hands of My priests, My chosen sons, the bread and wine become My body and blood.
Take heed to the Gospel Message and turn away from the temptations out of fear. The enemy seeks to manipulate My creation, My plan. He seeks to use human sacrifice in a way that leads the soul to believe they can avoid death and their time on this earth is eternal. Do not drink of the forbidden cup, rather come to the eternal banquet table. My children, the mass is the only vessel in which heaven and earth are united. It is the only means in which the soul and the body are united with heaven. Come live in My light, for I am Jesus and My mercy and justice will prevail.
July 27th, 2023 - 1:15pm
My child, I warn My children that those who detain My little ones for their own selfish desires will find themselves retained in the abyss of darkness. Mankind needs to protect My little ones from having their free will stripped from them. Each and every soul is created with a mission to fulfill on this earth. I ask My priests to command the angels to go and comfort these little souls and guide them to their place of refuge, for I am Jesus and My mercy and justice will prevail.
Source: ➥