Messages from Diverse Sources


Thursday, August 3, 2023

Farewell Ancient World, Farewell Everything Impure!

Message from God The Father to Myriam Corsini in Carbonia, Sardinia, Italy of August 1, 2023


Most Holy Mary spreads Her Mantle over the Earth!

Behold, the former things will pass away to make way for the new.

The house of David, servant of God, will resume its beauty in God.

Beloved children, the destiny of this Humanity comes to be fulfilled, the transformation is taking place, God demands to have His children back in Himself. Surrender to Love, to your Creator God, He comes with Heavy Hand to smite the idolaters, the traitors, the dishonest! Stand in God's Law, O men, dare not betray His Commands lest you be abandoned to the fate that you yourselves will mark with your choices. The temperature of the sun rises, its flames will strike the Earth! Repent men, repent! See to it that you are organized in your homes, with prayer suppers as the Lord has suggested. Do not be foolish or men, choose to fight Death in order to live eternally in God, your Creator! Mountains and skyscrapers come down, glaciers melt like snow in the sun, the Earth will be shrouded in a terrible frost. Again with heartfelt appeal I call you to true conversion:

convert, O men, that I may take you into Me and place you in a place of safety. Return to your Father in Heaven, O men, renounce sin, live the holy Gospel in order to be recognized as children of God.

The second coming of Jesus is already among you: He walks with you and leads you to the New Land, where peace, love and beauty reign, where all the fruits God has prepared for His new people will be tasted.

Have the ability to understand the language of your Creator, turn away quickly from the Lie, purify yourselves My children, purify yourselves with a good confession, ask forgiveness with humility of heart, from your God Love. The Truth is already in the world but it is not recognized because Satan has succeeded in seizing the hearts of many, but God does not abandon His children and day after day He calls them back to Himself.

My children, prepare yourselves for the Warning! The time has come to be read in all its parts. Let the Holy Gospel be in your hands, read and imitate the teachings of your Lord Jesus Christ. The enemy is about to implement his diabolical plan: he wants to destroy this Humanity and the Planet on which he dwells. Terrible hours will come for those who have not communed with their Creator God: ... surrendering themselves to His arms. Life calls you back to life.

Do not miss this opportunity to return to the Lord,accept this call from Heaven, be welcoming of God's love for you. Be saved O men, the time on this Earth is now over, a new time is opening: ...that of happiness and love. I bless you. Yahweh.

Source: ➥