Messages from Diverse Sources
Monday, September 18, 2023
I Need You to Ask All My Beloved Apostles If They Too Will Pray with Me for Its Mitigation
Message from Our Mother Mary to Anna Marie, an Apostle of the Green Scapular, in Houston, Texas, USA on September 17, 2023

Anna Marie: My heavenly Mother, I hear You calling me. Dear holy Mother Mary, may I ask You please, in the Name of Jesus Christ, will You bow down and adore Your beloved Son, Jesus Christ, Son of the Living God. Who was born in Bethlehem, raised in Nazareth. As a man, He preached the Gospel of life and mercy. He was taken, tortured and crucified for all mankind’s sins. He died, was buried, descended to the dead, arose and ascended into Heaven where Jesus now sits at His Father’s right hand side to judge the living and the dead?
Mother Mary: Yes My dear one, I your Heavenly Mother Mary will now and will always bow down and adore My beautiful beloved Son, Jesus Christ, Son of the Living Father. Who was born in Bethlehem and raised in Nazareth. When He grew to be a man, He did preach the Gospel of Life. He was taken, tortured and crucified for all mankind’s sins. He died, was buried, He descended to the dead and then arose and ascended into heaven where My Holy Son now sits at His Father’s right hand side to judge the living and the dead.
Anna Marie: Dear sweet Mother, please speak because Your sinful daughter is now listening.
Mother Mary: My dear little one, I have come to ask you for immediate prayers regarding a great tragedy that will soon happen. It will be very grave and many could die.
Anna Marie: Yes Mother.
Mother Mary: I need you to ask all My beloved Apostles if they too will pray with Me for its mitigation.
Anna Marie: Yes dear Mother. What shall we call this tragedy?
Mother Mary: A terrorist attack from another national government.
Anna Marie: Yes dear Mother, I will ask them all to pray and join You in all their prayers. All Apostles love You so dearly sweet holy Mother.
Mother Mary: Yes, and I love them all very much too.
Anna Marie: Thank You dearest Mother Mary. Is there anything else.
Mother Mary: Yes, do not slack in your prayer live. All prayers are greatly needed more than ever before in these End Days. Much is about to begin and once the trials and tribulations begin, they will not stop until My Son Jesus returns.
Anna Marie: Yes dearest Mother. Thank You dearest Mother.
Mother Mary: That is all little one.
Anna Marie: Yes Mother, thank You for coming tonight.
Mother Mary: Please little one, ensure you have this message posted before midnight if possible.
Anna Marie: I will do my very best sweet Mother. I love You most holy Mother Mary.
Mother Mary: And I love you and all My beloved children too. Your Heavenly Mother, Queen of the Most Holy Rosary.
Source: ➥