Messages from Diverse Sources
Saturday, September 30, 2023
The Great Evils That Affect Mankind Physically and Morally Are the Last Great Mercy That I Use towards Men…
Message Given by Our Lord Jesus for the Chosen Ones of the End Time to a Soul to Reach the Heart of Every Man

My daughter, your heart is saddened many times at the news of the great suffering that begins to increase everywhere.
Those who have a weak faith do not understand. We must be very firm in order to resist at the moment of trial, and today many, by My Will, are submitted to a hard test.
Faith, like gold, is tested in the fire to prove whether it is strong or weak. Those who have prepared themselves well will resist and emerge victorious, but those who have already shown signs of giving in before will surely not be able to emerge victorious.
Trials, they are Mercy, not cruelty or excessive severity: everything is perfect in Me and man in his earthly life must prepare himself for the life of Heaven.
Often he spends his whole life in indifference, in superficiality.
All this must be paid for; we cannot be distracted: I have bought you at a high price! My Suffering is not comparable to that of any man: I, without sin, perfectly Innocent, men full of sins, always guilty.
The great evils that affect mankind physically and morally are the last great mercy that I use towards men so that they may change and lead them to salvation. If I were to leave them alone, without pain, without trials, without torments, they would certainly fall prey to the abyss of fire.
It is in order to be able to welcome them in My Arms and not to have to reject them! Everything is paid, everything!
If I were to grant serenity and physical and moral well-being, the soul would continue to live in hunger, in indifference, in weakness: but I do not allow it, because in such conditions there would be no hope of salvation!
Through the fire, sometimes burning, of suffering, the soul, which does not rebel or blaspheme, purifies itself in part and then continues to do so in Purgatory, where it finishes atoning for its sins.
Would that man would think of his soul,.... How beautiful is the death of the saints,... I relieve their pain*; the last debt that man owes to God, I attenuate it: the Mother gently caresses the forehead of the dying man, the angels and saints, his friends, run around the bed of the creature, where the soul is about to detach itself from the body. All is peace and serenity. Prepare yourselves in time with a holy life, if you want to die in peace and come immediately to My Arms, oh men who do not want to suffer, but make yourselves suffer with your foolishness!
My beloved ones, you already know: I am always at your side, I live in you and you belong to Me. Help men to understand that everything that comes from Me is the fruit of Love, of a great and infinite Love that also and especially uses suffering to save a soul that otherwise would have no hope of salvation! I do everything out of love, I permit everything out of Love! Let men know it.
I love you. Immensely I love you!
*pain = the pain of death is the last debt on earth to be paid to God.
Source: ➥