Messages from Diverse Sources


Sunday, October 1, 2023

I Hold Close to My Heart the Soul That Has Abandoned Itself to Me

Message Given by God The Father for the Chosen Ones of the End Time to a Soul to Reach the Heart of Every Man


I hold close to My Heart the soul that has abandoned itself to Me.

I created every man free and placed before him two paths: that of salvation and that of perdition. The choice is his! I guide those who want to follow Me, I counsel those who with confidence turn to Me; but if man ignores Me, if he does not turn his thoughts to Me, I do not violate his freedom. I say to every man: act according to your judgment, but know well that you will have to give Me an account of everything before Me; perhaps with time you will forget the deeds you have done, but I forget nothing!

For the disobedient, the rebellious, the proud, the presumptuous, the distracted: the shores are low and slippery; the danger is great.

Without My Light the mind does not discern what is Good and what is Evil, without My Grace the soul is lost, without My Warmth the heart freezes, without My Sap man dies!

Source: ➥