Messages from Diverse Sources


Saturday, October 14, 2023

God the Father Desires to Open the Era of Peace

Message from God The Father to Myriam Corsini in Carbonia, Sardinia, Italy on October 9, 2023


The Voice of God is One, It echoes throughout the Universe!

Beloved Children:

the end of a time old in sin has come! God the Father desires to open the Age of Peace. Glorify your God with songs of joy, His Law be your way. Beloved Children:

I, as Father and Creator God, come to you, that nothing may remain unfinished!

I thunder with power My Voice, I call you to true conversion of heart.

The times are those revealed by Me:

you are living the prophecies announced to you by My prophets of yesterday, and today: listen to them, love them, protect them, support them for they are My Gift for your salvation. My Grace is upon the world, but not all receive it; many men continue in the way of perdition: ... they will lose their lives! For a day of glory they will lose their eternal life.

Charity and love always, My children!

Be Image and Likeness of Me, your God Love. Now that all is accomplished, verily know that I will intervene to put an end to evil and restore splendor to the Earth and to Humanity who will inhabit it. The Warning is near!

Roar loudly the volcanoes close to trespassing: move away from the warned places. Pray, plead for My Mercy, ask for My help. Return to be Children of the Light, renounce Satan do not be dazzled by his flattery: his game is to delude you that all is well. The clock of time is about to give its last gong.

Convert NOW!!!

it is time for true conversion,

it is time to return to your Father,

prostrate yourselves to Him with true repentance of heart.

Holy Mary opens Her Mantle to Her Children: those who have given their fiat will be preserved from the great catastrophe!

Come on, O men: your God is a God of infinite love, repent of your sins, say your enough to the Lie!

Take back your lives. Amen!

God the Father the Almighty Yahweh.

Source: ➥