Messages from Diverse Sources
Monday, November 20, 2023
A Huge Tragedy Is Very Close to Being Fulfilled
Message from Our Lady Queen to Myriam Corsini in Carbonia, Sardinia, Italy on November 18, 2023

Beloved daughter, I am the Blessed Virgin:
I come to you by order of the Father. Make yourself ready! The time has come, the hour is marked. This month of November will bring much suffering to those far from God; the time of sorrows begins.
Myriam, handmaid of God, write to His beloved People:
on behalf of our Lord Jesus Christ, you are all invited to true conversion of heart. May peace reign in your hearts, may faith be firmly established in you! Bestow God's gifts on all people: let them know that the storm that will now suddenly come will mark the end of an old time. Most Holy Mary, with Saint Joseph and Saint Michael the Archangel, will open the gates of Heaven to their descent to help true Christians. These are strong words! Man cannot understand them unless he puts himself in order, in following the true and only God Christ the Lord. Turn your hearts to the Most High, O men; you have no more time left: Satan's ferocity will hurl itself tremendously. This Humanity has deprived itself of the SHIELD: it has put itself in Lucifer's wake; it has abandoned Life to follow death!
Children of Jerusalem,
the Temple has been torn open by traitors: as then, the Temple doctors have sold the Son of God!!! A tremendous tragedy is so close to being fulfilled, man goes unaware of what will shortly befall him. Thunder the wrath of the Father, the Almighty God! Behold his Justice! God will not pass over: this is the time foretold by God's prophets!!! Prepare yourselves O men: your lives are in danger, death already grips your souls! Return urgently to Him who created you and with infinite love awaits to have you back "His own."
Earth is about to be hit by an asteroid:
get ready! A life of torment and suffering is about to begin. Return to your God Love with sincere repentance,
ask forgiveness for your sins... ask for His Mercy. The "dark" night is already upon the world!!! Convert My children ... convert!!!
Source: ➥