Messages from Diverse Sources
Wednesday, November 29, 2023
I Am Truly Tired of Your Indifference to Me!
Message from God The Father to Myriam Corsini in Carbonia, Sardinia, Italy on November 27, 2023

I am the One Who I am!
I am here to manifest My great sorrow for this deaf and blind Humanity.
Here I am, I am Who I Am!!!
It is I, the Creator God, you will soon know Me in My Justice! Behold, I will come and put an end to every evil thing. God's Work is One, and God will not lose anything that is in His Plan.
Love My creatures:
turn your hearts to Me, be devoted to Me, there is no god but Me: I Am!!! Meditate people all, meditate! Do not wait for the deadly hour to come without putting yourselves in Me so that you may favor of My Help. As Children of God you have an obligation to respect Me, love yourselves, resemble Me: you were created for love and with love, and love I desire from you! I will pardon all those who ask My forgiveness with true repentance of heart. Sin is the cause of your ruin My children: turn away from this disease, seek purity, enter into the knowledge that God is your only good, your only happiness, ... everything the monster presents to you is fallen, has no good, it drags you with it to Hell. A rushing wind will announce the approach of My wrath!!!
I am truly tired of your indifference to Me, I am disappointed by your choices away from Me, you have become hybrids, your heart has become icy, you show, without restraint, your wickedness toward your own brothers. The empire of Evil is collapsing, Rome will lose its charm, its beauty of yesteryear, when it lay in the Father's bosom.
Beloved Children:
you are one step from the precipice, open your eyes, look at what is in the world! It is dirty, stinking because of the sins this Humanity commits. I see no repentance! ... Poor Humanity!
What sadness in My Heart:
What a Father ... I would so much like to embrace you to Me, to hold you tightly to My Breast, to make you feel the beating of My Heart pulsating in infinite love for you, but you ... do not want My Love! You prefer the riches of this world, you seek to have more and more; you take from the poor to enrich yourselves, you betray Me! You offend Me ... by giving Me the discarded offerings: You keep everything for yourselves! Ah, what pain!
What pain My Children, I see that within you you still prefer the things of the world but.... everything I will take away from you; nothing I will leave you ... and your lot will be painful.
My poor Children:
what good will it do you ... to have looted here on Earth ... only to lose your own life? Man's fairness to his Creator
is a balm to one's is reason for salvation. Therefore adorn yourselves with Me:
be pure, open your hearts to the God who saves. It is already the hour!
Everything will suddenly precipitate!
Poor Humanity!
Source: ➥