Messages from Diverse Sources
Monday, January 1, 2024
I Embrace All Souls with My Love, Whose Highest Good Is to Do My Will
Apparition of the King of Mercy on December 25, 2023 to Manuela in Sievernich, Germany

I see the King of Mercy in the form of Prague. He wears a white robe and a white cloak. The robe and cloak are embroidered with large open golden lily flowers. A golden light envelops the King of Mercy. In His right hand He holds a large golden sceptre and in His left hand a large lily flower head bearing seven white lily flowers. Two holy angels dressed in brilliant white and several holy shepherds carrying a wooden staff in their hands accompany the King of Mercy.
The heavenly King speaks:
"In the name of the Father and of the Son - that is ME - and of the Holy Spirit. Amen."
Now the divine King hands His golden sceptre and the lily pad to the angels. Then the King of Mercy comes close to me and offers me His two hands in worship and asks me to kiss them. I kneel before the heavenly King and kiss His two hands, praising and glorifying Him. Then the King of Mercy asks me to worship His feet by kissing His feet. I do this gladly. I kneel before the heavenly King and kiss His feet, praising and glorifying Him. Now HE embraces me briefly and I look into His blue eyes, which are an ocean of divine love. How fine is His face, how fine are His feet and hands. The King of Mercy goes back to His angels, who again hand Him the golden sceptre and the staff of lilies. Then HE says:
"My grace and mercy I bestow upon you this night. Truly it is holy because I am holy. I have not only embraced you. I embrace with My Love all souls whose highest good is to do My Will. They are family to Me. Look, the holy shepherds pray for the shepherds of the Church. The coming year will be a test for the shepherds in the Church. I must allow this because this time is the time of tribulation when evil demands to sift people. So the Eternal Father in heaven has allowed this time for you for purification. I am with My sheep. In this difficult time of trial, My grace will be greater than the burden. Just listen to My word! Pray, sacrifice, make amends! Remain faithful to Me and be steadfast in your faith! Do not allow error to enter your heart."
Kneeling, the two angels spread the mantle of the King of Mercy over us. They hover in the air. They sing the "Sanctus". The mantle of the heavenly King is spread over us like a protective tent. Now the Lord holds His sceptre to His heart, which glows with love. I can recognize His golden name monogram "IHS" on His heart. His heart pulsates three times. Then the sceptre becomes the aspergillus of His Precious Blood. He sprinkles us with His Precious Blood :
"In the name of the Father and of the Son - that is ME - and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. I hand you the lily plant so that you may plant it."
M.: "Thank you, Lord. Is that it ...?"
The King of Mercy answers "Yes."
He continues to speak to us:
"Equip yourselves with My love and steadfastness for the coming year. Pray very much! My Precious Blood will grant you protection and salvation. Nature will rise up, touched by the sword of the Archangel. But you continue to ask for His friendship! The faithful Archangel Michael prays for you at the throne of the Eternal Father. I love you so much and do not want you to be lost. Keep the commandments of My Father, who gave them to you out of love. How heavy is the weight of error before God! The burden of war in the world shows how much sin has been revealed among men. All that is holy is to be thrown away. My Father's commandment shall no longer be valid. But I say to you: Eternal is the Father, eternal is His commandment, eternal is His word! My love for you is eternal! Do not be afraid! Keep what I have told you, then I will be with you and carry you through this time. Farewell!"
The King of Mercy goes back into the light, just as the angels and the shepherds do, and everyone disappears.
This message is announced without prejudging the judgment of the Roman Catholic Church.
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