Messages from Diverse Sources


Friday, January 5, 2024

Locking the Church for the Holiday Period

Message from Our Lord Jesus to Valentina Papagna in Sydney, Australia on December 31, 2023


Today, before the conclusion of the Holy Mass, it was announced that from tomorrow, there would be only one morning Mass. After Mass, I read in the Church Bulletin that the Cathedral will be locked after the 8:00 am Mass from Monday to Friday for the holiday period.

Immediately, Lord Jesus said, “The Church should never be locked!”

“There are many people suffering and sick, and they need to talk to Me, to offer Me their problems. When they come to Me, they feel much better—they feel a release and are strengthened, and even healing comes. Healing may be spiritual or physical or both.”

“What they have done today—one day, they will regret it very much, and they will be sorry for it. My Church should never be closed.”

“Tell people not to look for entertainment on this, the last day of the year. Rather, they should be vigilant and pray for themselves and for the world.”

“My child, console Me, because tonight I Am going to be offended very much.”

We need to pray as many Rosaries as we can to console our Lord.

Source: ➥