Messages from Diverse Sources
Monday, January 8, 2024
There Are Many Priests in the Church Who Are Waiting for God’s Powerful Intervention
Message from Saint Gabriel the Archangel to the Holy Trinity Love Group in Oliveto Citra, Salerno, Italy on January 7, 2024, First Sunday of the Month

Brothers and sisters, It is I, the Archangel Gabriel, together with Me there is theGeneral Michaeland the Archangel Raphael, the Angels are in your midst, the Holy Trinity is in your midst.
Brothers and sisters, I am here today at the behest of the Heavenly Father, He has sent Me to announce the moments that are about to happen in the world, mankind is facing a time of hard trial, satan is raging against all those who do God's will, prayer is always failing, the temptations and pleasures of this world are overshadowing the divinity, because souls are weak.
Very soon in Israel there will be even stronger attacks, the place where Heavenly Father had designed to save mankind has been despised, it has been ignored, those who allowed this will suffer, brothers and sisters do not fear, the moments are approaching. There are many Priests in the Church who are waiting for God's powerful intervention, because there, in the Vatican, there are and have been sins against God's will, and that is why God will punish them. The Church was supposed to spread the love of Jesus throughout the world, instead everything has been turned to their liking.
Brothers and sisters, God's mercy is infinite, but it should not be underestimated. Pray and do penance, sins are many, so there is a need for much prayer.
Brothers and sisters, Italy will also suffer, some cities will be flooded, all this in the eyes of the world will be unpredictable, so that we can understand that it is God's intervention for the salvation of souls.
Brothers and sisters, I love you, soon General Michael will show you how to fight evil, how to fight temptations. I will return together with General Michael and Archangel Raphael, now in the name of the Holy Trinity, I bless you, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.