Messages from Diverse Sources
Monday, February 12, 2024
You Must Not Follow the False Church of Rome
Message of Saint Michael the Archangel to Mario D'Ignazio on December 30, 2023

(Saint Michael the Archangel appears shrouded in halos of light)
Beloved children of the Remnant Church of the End Time, listen to Me. I am Saint Michael the Archangel, Guide and Protector of the Universal Church. I guide the Little Remnant with Mary and St. Joan of Arc.
Remember that St. John the Evangelist represents the Little Flock, and should be prayed for and honored. He was the beloved disciple and similarly for the Blessed Mother. Under the Cross were THEY, always remember, THEY TWO.
MARY IS COREDEMPTRIX, ADVOCATE AND MEDIATRIX. St. John is Representative of the Little Remnant! Meditate.
I and St. Joan of Arc protect the Remnant Church, Mystical and Peregrine Church, Militant Church.
You must not follow the false Church of Rome. Absolutely not. Satan rules it through his ministers, servants and beloveds. Be vigilant. Make amends, take Spiritual Communion often near your holy altars. I bless you.
You of the Little Remnant will be saved, through the Angels, from the imposture of the modernist and syncretist, pagan neo-church. The Pachamama idol should be burned, not worshipped. The Kachina doll likewise.
Luther's statue.... Luther is known where he is...(in Hell). Concatenate facts and words and eliminate. Follow Heaven, Fatima, Brindisi. Follow the Queen of the Blessed Garden and Virgin of Reconciliation.