Messages from Diverse Sources
Wednesday, February 14, 2024
Decrease in Pride and Do Good, Bring Out God in You
Message of the Queen of Heavenly Militias to Mario D'Ignazio on January 20, 2024

Shalom, beloved children of the Remnant and Militant Church.
You are very tempted, attacked, mocked, judged, misunderstood.
Satan is strong, he will always tempt you. Satan aspires to confuse you, create panic, terror, derail you. Satan exists and is operative, do not doubt it anymore. He exists, is real, tempts, seduces, flatters, deludes, drags to sin many fragile, weak, lost and wounded, disappointed and restless souls.
Dear children, as the Queen of Heavenly Militias, today I urge you to choose God again, to renounce sin, your vices and bad inclinations. Jesus loves everyone and wants to save everyone, but not everyone accepts the Saving Gift that is Himself-JESUS.
I know everything about you, who you are, that you fall, that you fret, that you go astray and wander, wander, that you follow opposite paths, paths of darkness and perdition. I know all, I see all and I set you free because I love you, but I admonish you and call you back to GOD. I WILL NOT abandon you, equally because I desire to save the lost and lame sheep. Are you surprised at this? I love you. It is what you do not understand or accept. I LOVE YOU. Loving you I help, heal, free, rescue, understand, forgive.
You reason as humans, but We reason according to God Pure Love. True it is that We condemn the ungodly, the unrighteous; but We save the penitent sinner, the one who repents. We save the repentant sinner. The ungodly is the one who loves evil and always does it on purpose, the sinner is the one who is fragile, wants to follow Us but always fails. There is diversity between the ungodly and the sinner. I know you are weak, frail, hurt, tired, bitter, not understood, not heard, not considered, nor truly loved. You have done good by receiving evil, you have done much for Me and Jesus, but few understand your pains, sacrifices, humiliations and human defeats. Do not despair, get up again. Wipe away the weeping and carry on. Be serene, happy, joyful, less resentful and vengeful. Decrease in pride and do good, bring out God in you. Leave true judgment and righteousness to God, for He knows everything, because you err and get stuck, backsliding, stopping, mired in your sin. You ask yourselves: why do we sin and not change? Because you are fragile, imperfect, human. Your humanity is wounded, compromised. Your minds are also.
Your hearts are exacerbated, covered with wounds, but also with hatred, resentment and bad feelings. Do not fear, invoke Me. I will help and deliver you, do not fear. It is necessary that you truly repent, that you repent now, that you invoke Divine Clemency, Trinitarian Forgiveness, Heavenly Mercy. It is necessary that you always recognize yourselves as sinners, repenting of your sins, thinking about your sins in order to restore yourselves in Jesus, with Jesus, for Jesus. Humanity is all wounded, it is all derailed, it is all obscured, confused, lost, because it is without God. I love everyone and want to save everyone, but many do not follow Me or listen. Many deviate, many are closed to God Infinite Love.
Dear children, return to the Father, repent quickly, do not sin and do not go along with the Evil One. Dear children, resist Satan and he will leave you alone, repent, repent, fast.
I am with you even if you err, fall, sin. I am with you to save you, heal you, deliver you.
Listen to Me, Time is short, the Cup of Divine Wrath overflows.
Do not be afraid, you of the Little Remnant, True Church Militant and Remnant, you will be preserved from the Evil One, entrust yourselves to Me.
Pray, entrust yourselves to Me.
Meditate on this Holy Message of Hope, meekly accepting it into your hearts, without resisting the Spirit who blows where He wills.
Remember: the Spirit and the Bride say COME LORD JESUS. MARANATHA. The book of Revelation concludes like this: Come Lord Jesus. And behold He is coming soon to save His True Flock and condemn the Synagogue of Satan, the ungodly, the unrighteous and unrepentant of all time.
Everything is written in the Book of Life, all the names, the works, the words of every man of every age.
The Return will be there, but it is not for you to know the Hour of the Divine Return, of the Last Judgment.
The Scales are ready, new Scourges will descend. Do not fear, pray, repent and repent soon, to receive forgiveness and salvation from the LORD JESUS, TRUE GOD AND TRUE MAN, ONLY CHRIST AND REDEMPTION.
God always forgives anyone who repents and confesses his sins. Do not despair any longer.
God is waiting for you with open arms to forgive you and love you and bless you.
Correct yourselves and elevate yourselves. No longer be plagued by Lucifer. Undo temptations and futility.
Do not waste time in murmuring, frivolity, backbiting, old grudges. Find Peace, the Way of Faith and Prayer of the heart.
Be persevering, believers, apostles. Be more steadfast, decisive and less like "reeds in the wind." Be less fickle and less doubtful. Remember that doubt weakens you and puts you in stalemate. Shalom, Hallelujah.