Messages from Diverse Sources


Thursday, April 11, 2024

God the Father Manifests Himself to His Children by Asking for True Conversion of Heart

Message from God The Father to Myriam Corsini in Carbonia, Sardinia, Italy on April 6, 2023


My creatures, the time is now closed, everything will suddenly manifest in terror for those who will be far from My Heart, from My Love, for those who will have rejected and mocked Me, for those who have not yet understood that the only truth lies in Him Who Is.

There is no other truth in the world. God is One and everything comes from Him. Absolute Good comes from Him, while evil tries to drag you into the depths of the abyss. Behold, that I seek to call you back to true conversion in order to place you in My heights, to bring you back Home where everything, My children, is in the light of the Risen Christ, in the light of God the Father and the Holy Spirit, and the Blessed Virgin Mary who, here embraced by the Most Holy Trinity, waits with love to have Her Children back with Her so that She can lead them to enjoy all the beautiful things prepared by God the Creator.

You are about to be warned, My Children, you are about to hear the last trumpet. It will be the Angel who will announce the return of My Son Jesus. God is One, God is Holy. God is Father, Son and Holy Spirit. In His infinite greatness He will embrace all who will take shelter in His arms.

Oh, the powers of Heaven will be shaken, the whole Earth will tremble, volcanoes will erupt, seas will swell!

Oh, My children, how many ugly things you will see! Ugly, terrible, My children! Terrible in your eyes! And you will no longer know where to lay your head, you will no longer know where to go because everywhere there will be ruin, everywhere there will be destruction!

The demons unleashed on Earth will try to grab as many souls as they can to take them to their leader, to Hell. But you, My creatures, you who have sweated blood together with your beloved Jesus Christ and the Most Blessed Virgin, you who have renounced the things of the world, you who have wanted, in your free choice, to follow the Lord Jesus Christ to complete this work of salvation and to save together with Jesus Christ all His Children, all your brothers ... how beautiful, My children, to have you all Mine! How beautiful when you will open your eyes in the New Heaven, when you will look at the Earth with different eyes and find everything in the wonders of the Father.

The fragrance will exhale from the Earth as from Heaven and from everywhere! Everything will be renewed in the Love of the living Christ. Everything will be new, My Children, and you, My creatures, you who are chosen by God because by your own will, in your free choice, you have accepted to be My Children, will have every kind of good.

Rejoice My children, for the time has now come. Prepare your hearts to welcome the Immensity. Amen.

I bless you in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen.

Source: ➥