Messages from Diverse Sources


Saturday, June 15, 2024

Shema Israel! Shema Israel! Shema Israel!

Message from God The Father to Myriam Corsini in Carbonia, Sardinia, Italy on June 12, 2024


God the Father warns His people of the impending catastrophe that will strike the Earth.

Beloved children, this is the darkest hour, darkness grasps with power this humanity that walks without its Creator.

My Beloved people, without My grace you are lost, Satan leads you to death!

He deludes you that all is at his victory!...that his followers will triumph with him.

My children, this is false! His time ends here, the battle against Me is lost, he fights with all his might to take away as many souls as he can, many follow him, others stand by My side, faithful to the holy Doctrine of Faith.

I am the "infallible" God! In Me alone is Life. All things I possess, I CREATE!!!

My beloved creatures, pray, the weather thunders in the terrible storm, great disasters will follow one another and men will be on their knees, if they do not convert they will lose their lives.

Thunder with power My voice. O men, do not be foolish, your God loves you and awaits you converted to embrace you to Himself and give you of Himself. Renounce Satan!

Renounce all his seductions!

Get down on your knees before the Crucifix and ask forgiveness for your sins, implore Mercy!

The streets of the Earth will become pools of blood, men will kill each other in this fratricidal war.

Repent quickly, O man, do not waste this little time you have left to return to your Creator, do not lose yourself in darkness, come to the Light to be light in the Light.

Do not be thoughtless, stop at least for a moment to reflect: ...what will you have left of what you possess in this world if you lose your life?

Come to your senses, O man, come to your senses, shortly there will be nothing left of what you know today, in My justice I will erase everything filthy to restore luster to the Earth.

Do not curse!

Do not blaspheme!

Do not cheat!

Do not think with your earthly yardstick, convert to your Creator and celebrate His will in you, that His grace may descend in you.

Now there is little time left for your conversion, do not lose yourself, My child, have in you the desire to live and not to die.

God the Father is revealing a secret to you today: I love you infinitely My children, I ardently desire your good, I grant you the grace to wait for you a little longer in these last times where the world is fading to life. Do not follow the false prophet, he is not in Me.

I await you converted!!! I will help you in this choice to Me.


Source: ➥