Messages from Diverse Sources
Saturday, July 6, 2024
The Great Purification Is Taking Place, God Will Transform Everything
Message from God The Father to Myriam Corsini in Carbonia, Sardinia, Italy on June 29, 2024

Listen, My people,
Listen to the voice of your Lord God.
Listen Israel, do not be distracted in vain things, the hour of utmost concentration has come for the salvation of your soul.
God is calling all His children back to Himself, He wants to save them from eternal death, He is insistently calling for conversion.
An old time in sin is closing, God is opening the doors to the New Era, a new Heaven for His children, for all those who will want to re-embrace their Creator God.
The gates of Heaven are opening, the Army led by Saint Michael the Archangel is ready, the Archangel's unsheathed sword points to Earth, ...the challenge is imminent!!!
God the Father, the Almighty Yahweh lowers His arm, ...the chastisement is looming over this perverse Humanity.
Remedy now, before the cloud envelops you, O men.
My children, oh you who have promised Me your gift of loveand give Me support in this Project of salvation, My grace will be upon you.
Organize the places marked by My Cross! OrganizeCenacles of prayer! Pray unceasingly,beloved children, for never before has there been such great devastation.
A black cloud will rise and cover the Earth!
Men go unaware of what will now overwhelm them.
Rivers of blood will flow through the streets of the Earth, they will scream in despair, ...anguish and death will be!!!
My children, do not turn your backs on your Creator God, do not be foolish, all that you now know will disappear.
The great purification is taking place, God will transform everything, nothing will be left standing of what you now know, everything will be destroyed to be raised up by the One who is the Creator God.
Do not cling to material possessions, My children, nothing will remain more than what you possess, I GOD, will remove everything, I will raze everything to the ground and put men in sharing: no one will possess more than the other.
The New Life is in Me, I will possess everything and share it with My children, they will dwell in Me and enjoy Me eternally.
You who hide behind your hypocrisy, know that from Me you can hide nothing, I see your misery: beware, do not be proud to Me, I AM! He who mocks Me will suffer My justice!!!
The lying man, the man who in his avarice, denies his offering to the poor, ...the man who does not respond to the requests of his Creator,will be put in a condition of punishment: ...poor men, so petty! You who love your riches more than Me, you will no longer exist.
Enough! ...Those who believe in Me and do My will will be rewarded by Me in a hundredfold of what they offer Me.
You have come to the end of this story, O men, make your choices quickly, I am coming, ...My justice is in place!
Source: ➥