Messages from Diverse Sources
Sunday, July 7, 2024
Prostrate to the Cross of Redemption and You Will Have Great Help
Message of the Queen of the Preciious Blood to Mario D'Ignazio in Brindisi, Italy on June 30, 2024

I am here, I am I, the Queen of the Precious Blood. Enter the month of the Divine Blood and you are called to adore Him, bless Him, invoke Him. Immerse yourselves in It.
July, month of the Precious Blood. Pray the Chaplet* dedicated to It.
Times are dark, full of pain and wounds, mockery and misunderstanding, loneliness, tears and madness. It is not easy to stand firm in Us. It is not simple to never err. It is not simple to suffer and offer, to keep silent and repair, to atone. Times of darkness, desolation, bewilderment, ungodliness.
There is much practical atheism, there is materialism, there is much judgment and little atonement.
The world is moving toward self-destruction, toward the End.
Freemasonry is strong, it is false church. It was born in ancient times (Ancient Egypt) and still endures following Satan (Great Architect). He hates God, man, creation. Satan rules Freemasonry, and it worships him and follows, follows.
Let the Little Flock be strong, united, resistant. They will do spells, spells, rituals, but they will not affect the Elect and the Little Remnant. Every curse will fall on them and they will receive the Father's disdain and the just divine punishment. God will smite the wicked.
The Cup of Wrath will overflow. Chastisements come upon the unrepentant and pagan peoples.
The Time of Times is coming: the Final Judgment. Those who call upon Jesus will be saved. One will be taken, the other left behind. It will be terrible. Prepare for the World Upset, prepare for the Three Days of Darkness, prepare for the Return of Christ.
World War III will be there and nuclear weapons will destroy whole nations.
Pray, pray. Come to My Garden, Little Fatima, Salvific Ark, New Cana.
Come every fifth day and pray the Rosary, asking for graces of healing and deliverance.
Ask for Peace, ask for forgiveness and clemency. Prostrate to the Cross of Redemption and you will have great help. Come, we are waiting for you. We wish to give you peace, light, salvation, healing, consolation, deliverance, blessing, refreshment. Come, We are here.
Pray, pray always. Call upon Us, remember that "all have sinned and are deprived of divine glory."
"I do not do the good I want but the evil I do not want" (St. Paul).
"From the priest to the prophet all have sinned."
"Whoever shall call upon the Name of the Lord shall be saved."
"It is no longer I who live, but Christ in me."
Babylon will fall. Fatima is a Little Believed Warning, so I come everywhere. Shalom. Maranatha.
Say often: Maranatah.
The Flock is God's, do not fear misfortunes, woe. Pray. If you pray and believe you will heal. Believe in this Appeal, in the Messages and Signs. Shalom, consoling souls of the Sacred Hearts. Watch and be wary of those who defend the Satanic Roman imposture. From this you will understand much. Onward My brave ones, onward.
Pray thus to the Divine Blood:
Blood of Love, Blood of Consolation, wash us from all iniquity and make us pure in soul.
Make us witnesses of the Gospel and faithful to Christ Our King and Lord.
Blood of Life, heal us, cleanse us, sanctify us, set us free. We adore You and immerse ourselves in You.
Save us from Lucifer and his false church, from imposture and every spell, enchantment.
We trust in You, Divine Bath. Praise to You Glorious Blood and Victorious over the devil. Amen.
Follow Us on the Way of Fatima, True Mystical Church today. Follow Us by taking refuge in My Immaculate Heart. Make Altars at home with lit candle and there pray to Us ardently and you will have immense graces.
God loves simplicity and families who pray to Him and believe. Let there be no lack of HOLY ALTARS IN HOUSES with CERO always lit against Satan and his infernal legions.
The false church operates and acts on behalf of Lucifer, and is an GREAT EMANATION of him. Do not follow it or you will be lost in false faith and false spirituality. Let your homes be Cenacles of prayer.
Beware of heretical and apostate false believers. Be wary of those who never pray and do not believe in Us of Heaven. Be cautious, reserved. Shalom beloved Church of the End Times, Remnant Army of Jesus the Redeemer."
The Chaplet of the Precious Blood*