Messages from Diverse Sources
Wednesday, August 7, 2024
A Deceptive Peace and Jesus' Warning about the Antichrist
Message of Our Lord Jesus Christ to Melanie in Germany from July 28, 2024

Jesus had appeared to the visionary at the evening mass and asked her the following questions:
"Do you believe in Me?" - "Yes, of course."
"Do you believe in My miracles?" - "Yes Lord, of course I believe."
"I am sending you, child. I am sending you out. Are you ready?" - "Yes, Lord. I am ready."
"I am sending you out into the world. Go in My name."
Jesus came back to the prayer group.
He wore a white robe and had a large red heart with flames in His chest. He showed the visionary pictures of fluttering doves.
In the church, an inner image of birds had already appeared, flying in a circle over a spot. In addition, a white dove that flutters in the air on the spot.
Jesus held a white dove in his hand. He held it in both hands so that it could sit there safely. He released it and threw it up so that it would fly away. The people ran after the dove. It was a strange picture because the dove was trying to take off and younger people were running after it. They almost reached it and could almost touch it with their hands. It felt as if the dove was fleeing and as if it shouldn't be touched.
Suddenly, out of nowhere, a bird of prey, a bald eagle, came and grabbed the little white dove and attacked it. The dove was lying on the ground with its feathers ruffled and people were standing around it. The first impression was that it was dead, but it recovered and lay still on the ground. The bystanders treated her with care and kindness.
When it rose to the sky again, it had changed and looked like a white peacock. The dove had a longer neck, larger wings and tail feathers. Behind it shone the glistening sun and a glowing radiance. The scene seemed luminous, but left an uneasy feeling. It is a false radiance.
As if peace was emerging, but a deceptive one.
Jesus said:
"There will come a time when the need will be great. There will come a time when the need will be so great that you will need My help.
All of you.
And I ask you to dwell in Me. I ask you to strengthen yourselves with My sacraments. I ask you to remain firmly anchored in faith, for only I, your Lord, can help you then. A time will come when the tribulation will be great. When fear prevails. When poverty is rampant.
When faith is lost and Christians are few.
A time when Christians will be persecuted and dissenters [those who deviate from the faith that will be dominant and accepted at that time] will be persecuted.
I have always told you and I tell you again. My peace I give to you. Yes, I will give you My peace if you seek it. And I will always be at your side. I can never leave you. I can and I will never. And I do not want to.
I want every Christian in this world to be aware that I am the Lord. That I, the Savior of the world, Jesus Christ, am your only salvation, your only peace, your only light. And there will come a time when you will feel that only I am the light. Only I am love, and only I am life, and only I am the truth. I pour out My mercy on you, my children, now and always. I will never leave you.
But I warn you! The enemy is on your doorstep. The enemy is getting ready to pounce. The enemy who has been proclaimed for all time and oh, what abominations he brings and what shameful deeds and what false beliefs!
And I tell you, do not underestimate him, for he is everything that I am not! He is not the light, he is not love, he is not life and he is not the truth. And he can never be. And yet he will make you believe it. And it will work like the truth and it will work like love.
And he will perform miracles, supposedly in My name, but it is not My name that he worships. The miracles he performs come from another source.
They come from the darkness. They come from dark magic. And so I beg you and warn you urgently, my children, whom I love and whom I protect, do not fall for his games. Do not fall for his illusions for his deeds are pure evil.
Turn to the Children of Light, the children, [people] who follow My light, who call My name, who speak in My name. And listen to your heart, for your heart will tell you whether they are true or not. You recognize the children by this, My visionaries, My prophets, by the love they speak about. By the love of God, by the love of life. They speak of mercy, they speak of the Bible, they speak of the testaments, they speak of the love of the Lord, of the omnipresence of the Lord. And they will not be dissuaded, no matter what anyone threatens them with.
These are My children.
Remember these words when the time comes when you will hardly have any air to breathe.
It is the time of tribulation. It is the time before the last judgment."
The visionary then sees a burning cross, as if Christianity is burning. The image means Christian objects will be burned.
Jesus continues to warn:
"Take heed, children. Hide your Bibles, keep them safe. Your crosses, your rosaries. They will offer you protection in My name, in the name of your Lord Jesus Christ. I will offer you protection. I will refresh your faith. I will give you strength. I will strengthen your hope.
And I will send you My children who are pure in heart to do My will. And perhaps you will not understand them.
And yet they are My children.
And so go in peace, strengthen your faith, come together, pour out your hearts, if necessary. You will need your fellow human beings, your Christian sisters and brothers, to stand firm.
And these are the children of Mine of whom I have spoken. Some will bear my wounds and you will not understand that either.
But those who seek the truth will also find it."
In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Source: ➥