Messages from Diverse Sources
Tuesday, August 13, 2024
Also Today I Ask You for Prayers, for the Whole World
Message of Our Lady of the Night to Celeste in San Bonico, Piacenza, Italy on July 4, 2024

St. Michael the Archangel appeared with a drawn sword in His right hand together with Our Lady and the three usual angels to Celeste at home. Mary spread Her hands and said:
"My children, also tonight I am here to thank you, as always My children and I always tell you that I am with you always and I will never abandon you, rest assured My children. Also today I ask you for prayers, for the whole world I ask you, so many I ask you, do not tire I urge you, the Lord is always in your midst, I am here to bring you all close to Him. When one day you leave the Earth My children, the Lord will be waiting for you, that's where a new life begins My children, but I commend you, pray and never be afraid, I commend you. Always remember the Church, never abandon it, I commend you, always go to church and pray, pray for all those who do not pray. Also today I am here with you to tell you that a great sign will come, from heaven, everyone will see it and a new life will begin My children, do not be afraid of everything that will happen, because the Lord loves you and does not want to lose you.
I bless you all in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen."
Our Lady blessed, closed Her hands and disappeared along with the three usual angels and St. Michael the Archangel who had remained above Her while She spoke.
Source: ➥