Messages from Diverse Sources
Tuesday, August 13, 2024
Follow My Example: Obey, Obey Solely God. Obey Only the Blessed Virgin Mary, Her Son Jesus, the Angels, the Archangels, and Us the Saints of the Lord
Message of Saint Joan of Arc to Mario D'Ignazio in Brindisi, Italy on August 5, 2024

I bless you in the Name of the Most High Jesus Christ, I bless you, St. Joan of Arc.
Persevere, persevere on the way of Fatima. Consecrate yourselves to the Immaculate Heart of Mary.
Quickly, hurriedly, leggily turn away from the heretical-Masonic false church. Turn away from the synagogue of Satan, from the Satanic Roman imposture. Consecrate yourselves to the Immaculate Heart of Mary and live the Consecration to this most sweet Heart.
Pray the Rosary, pray the Rosary every day at home, in the family. Make Holy Altars, make Spiritual Communion frequently. Always have a lighted candle on your holy Altars.
Follow My example: obey, obey solely God. Obey only the Blessed Virgin Mary, Her Son Jesus, the Angels, the Archangels, and Us the Saints of the Lord.
Listen to Us, open your hearts to Our Messages of Love, open your hearts to Our Messages of Salvation, of Peace, of Reconciliation, of Conversion. Follow Us, obey Us, do not listen to the voice of Lucifer. Turn away from the pagan world, do not listen to the false church, do not listen to the false ministers of righteousness. But listen to the Voice of Heaven, listen to the voice of this grand, glorious and luminous Spiritual Manifestation of the Heavenly Court.
Accept meekly and humbly all Our Messages, Our Warnings, Our Prophecies. Firmly believing in the Signs, in the Miracles of Pure Love that in this place We have been performing since the distant August 5, 2009.
Fifteen years of Apparitions, fifteen years of Signs, of wonders, of conversions, of healings, of deliverances, of purifications. Fifteen years that Heaven has been speaking in Contrada Santa Teresa. Fifteen years that the Gates of Heaven have opened in this Holy Place and Blessed by the Eternal Trinity of Love. Fifteen years of consolations, fifteen years of healings, fifteen years of deliverances, fifteen years of great blessings from the Heavenly Father, from the Most High Father.
Treasure Our Messages, treasure Our Signs, Our Prophecies. Treasure this holy place and blessed by the thrice Holy One, the Divine Lamb and Immolated for our Redemption.
Pray, pray, pray. Come every 5th day of the month to this place to pray and meditate on the twenty Mysteries of the Rosary for the eradication of evil from the world, from the Earth.
Pray for the conversion of sinners. Pray for the young, for drug addicts, for the imprisoned, for the marginalized, for widows, for orphans. Pray for those who have lost their faith, pray for those who are lost, pray for those who have fallen that they may get up and return to the Father. Pray for those who suffer in soul, for those who suffer in mind, in spirit, for those who can no longer find the right spiritual path, for those who no longer see the Light. Pray.
Obey, obey Us of Heaven, obey the Most Holy Trinity, Us the Saints of the Lord, the Angels, the Archangels, the Coredemptrix Virgin, the Souls of Heaven who in this place, through, through this particular Revelation, this Manifestation of the Heavenly Court speak to you.
Listen to Us, obey Us, follow Us... Follow Us on the right spiritual path, follow Us on the right spiritual path which is precisely the Way of Fatima that continues at present in Brindisi.
Our Lady in Fatima revealed Herself with the Heart exposed, in Brindisi She manifests Herself with the dove of Light on Her breast to announce to you the New Pentecost, to prepare you for this second and New Pentecost of Fire and Spirit.
Have utmost reverence for Us of Heaven, always be submissive and obedient to the voice of Heaven recognizing Brindisi as the Last Warning, Last Appeal... the Apparition of Apparitions that prepares you for the coming return of Jesus, that prepares you for the Three Days of Darkness, that prepares you for the great world upheaval, that prepares you for the Warning.
Be thankful to God for this great Apparition, be thankful to the Father and be assured that We hear you, bless you, help you. And keep in mind these words: prayer, sacrifice, penance, reparation, self-offering. Keep these words in mind: Brindisi is the Apparition of Apparitions that prepares Humanity for the Glorious and Majestic Second Coming of Jesus the Redeemer.
I bless you with My Holy Blessing, in the Name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
I, Saint Joan of Arc protect the Little Remnant, I protect the Little Flock of the Lord Jesus and the Virgin Mary. I protect it with all My heart, with all My love.
You of the Little Flock follow and obey only Heaven, only Divine Authority, moving away quickly, moving away fast and with a leg up from the false heretical-Masonic church, from the Satanic Roman imposture. I love and bless you all. Amen.