Messages from Diverse Sources
Sunday, September 1, 2024
Earth Enters an Unsettling Phase, You Will Have Hard Trials to Overcome
Message from God The Fathery and Most Holy Mary to Myriam Corsini in Carbonia, Sardinia, Italy on August 29, 2024

God the Father:
Mercy! Mercy! Mercy!
My children, do not turn away from Me, stand firm in the holy Doctrine of the True Church, pray and fast, offer yourselves to your Creator God in totustuus.
My Belovedcreatures, today I want to cover you with many gifts, open your hearts to Me, listen to My voice and turn away from sin.
Most Holy Mary:
My little ones, I am the Blessed Virgin, I come to embrace you in My Immaculate Heart and bring you the Word of God. I come to educate you in the holy Doctrine of God, do not be deaf to My voice, everything is for your good.
I long to shelter you where all is love and joy, I want to help you enter the New Era of harmony and peace.
God the Father is waiting to embrace back to Himself all His children, He wants to give them, all of Himself.
Come, beloved ones of My Immaculate Heart, come to Me, let Me take you by the hand, let Me lead you into the new world, a world of immense love and happiness; surrender to Me, be obedient, the Father gives Me this special task to bring you back to Himself.
Turn away from the din of the world, immerse yourselves in prayer, the time left for your conversion is very, very short, My children, take advantage of this time of the Father's mercy to rise to His grace.
When you are in difficulty, call me to your aid and I, as a generous Mother, will run to you.
The Earth is entering an upheaval phase, you will have to overcome hard trials, beloved children, that is why I ask you to stay close to Me, to entrust yourselves to Me, so that I can protect you, help you fight and overcome all difficulties.
Do not be afraid of anything, My children, stand by My side to have My protection. The prophecies must be fulfilled, that is why I ask you to be obedient to the Word of God and let Me, Mother of Jesus and yours, guide you so that you can overcome the obstacles of this life. You are going through a time of disasters, the purification of this Humanity is taking place, thank God the Father for this possibility of salvation, do not blaspheme Him, do not turn against your Creator, but ask forgiveness for your sins, for the countless offenses you do to Him.
A great disaster is about to occur on Earth, My children, be still in prayer, plead for God's mercy.
Pray for those distant from His Love, pray for their conversion.
Be a light among the nations, show humility! Embrace the holy Gospel and spread it to the nations.
Source: ➥