Messages from Diverse Sources
Monday, September 2, 2024
I Solicit Your Cooperation through Your Diligent Prayers and Good Deeds
Message from Our Lady Mary Immaculate to Marie Catherine of the Redemptive Incarnation in Brittany, France on August 14, 2024

This message from Mary Immaculate was given to me during a great prayer and dialogue with Jesus and Mary on August 13, 2024 at 11:15 am.
Words of the Virgin Mary Immaculate:
"I am with you My darling daughter. You are moved, I embrace you. With you and with all of you, I take this great step long announced and finally arrived.
For the world, for this country and yours, for you too, strong tribulations are coming that will reveal, from your brothers, admired and tenderly loved, for some, surprising and pleasant truths but for others, they will be very difficult and hurtful findings to note.
Throw yourself into the Heart of God the Comforter. I'll be there to support you and pray with you, for them including those who aren't ready to meet God. I pray for you that you may obtain the Strength and Love that endure all things.
Believe and see how Jesus Son of the Living God keeps His promises and saves all those who seek His Divine Mercy.
The gradual establishment of tribulation is evident. We are witnessing a blasphemous and willed provocation by the abominations and recklessness of godless, sordid man, indifferent to the welfare of his brethren, who has chosen to drag humanity to its doom.
You see, My dear daughter, how much My Son Jesus suffers, the Only Son of the Father, the Lamb of God come to save men who today refuse this Salvation. Wounded in His Love, His Tenderness and His Merciful Patience, He must act by protecting and bringing back to the Eternal Father,¨the little remnant¨, His faithful and willing children.
Jesus extends His Hand of Blessing over the world to bless and protect His own; with Him, as Co-Redemptrix, I also stretch out My hands to you to call and support you in Faith, Trust, Perseverance. I solicit your collaboration through your assiduous prayers and good deeds that keep solid, indissoluble, the union with your Loving God and with Those in Heaven, associates of peace and joy on your way home.
Pray, My dear children, pray for Christ's Church. Pray for the priests and for those who will remain faithful and who will experience so much ignominious suffering, evil is ingenious, its hatred is boundless. On the other hand, Love and Truth, purity and humility are Power and Victory.
My darling daughter, urge God's children, who are preparing to experience these foretold tribulations, to be charitable not forgetting the most vulnerable who have no preparation to face this great and appalling disorder.
Observe, My children, around you these weak people: the elderly, the homeless, neglected and lonely children, single-parent and destitute families, persecuted priests alone and rejected.
Now is the time to create a contact that could be beneficial to them, both materially and spiritually. Provide them with welcome and sharing, food or otherwise, and above all give them blessed rosaries, pictures and prayer booklets that will support them in their loneliness, fear and helplessness.
You can't imagine how comforting these gestures are and how they can save souls by thus giving them the right to speak... intimate words, called prayers.
In these gestures of Love you share what is most precious, the spiritual good that unites to God through His Mother and the Saints, friends of God. These gestures are sparks that bring forth the Light.
Oh, My children, how much you are loved! Spread this Love, It is Infinite. Know that the words help and love are actually the same word. Only the letter in the center adapts depending on the circumstances, but it gives the same result.
I bless you My dear children, remain linked to our United Hearts of Jesus and I, Mary.
Mary Immaculate Your Mother."
Marie Catherine of the Redemptive Incarnation, some servant in the Divine Will of the Almighty, One God. Read on
Source: ➥