Messages from Diverse Sources
Thursday, November 28, 2024
The Earth Will Experience a Necessary Purification!
Message from Our Lord and God Jesus Christ to Sister Beghe in Belgium on November 22, 2024

My dear children,
You are very dear to Me, as dear as children are to their very attentive and caring parents. Yes, I am very careful, but I see in international events how nothing happens without preparation. Everything needs preparation before it can be active, operational, and to achieve its goal it needs time. So in the face of everything that is happening, everything that is said, true or false, everything that you conclude, you can't help but realize that the world situation is electric and more than that....
Yes, a world war can be unleashed by the slightest recklessness, but some of the belligerents are intentionally reckless. This is no longer recklessness, it is an attitude, an openly bellicose behavior under the cloak of a smokescreen. Yes, the West is playing with fire, it has been a hypocrite and a liar from the start.
Why? It's not that he doesn't know what he's doing, on the contrary, he knows very well and so does the devil. The devil is pushing him towards immorality, de-Christianization, discord and betrayal. God is no longer the reference, Satan becomes it.
My children, flee from this immorality, refuse to allow your children to be placed in schools under the supervision of pornography and then to be misaligned on the threshold of maturity. They face the disaster of immorality, of lying, of being leveled by evil, of the absence of God, of the deceptive presence of demonic forces.
How can you expect the nations fighting Lucifer to be sensible, courageous, honest and trustworthy! It's impossible, Lucifer will always destroy, Lucifer will always lie, Lucifer will always deceive. He seeks to destroy the world and when men are no longer led by virtue, they are inevitably led by the forces of evil. Man is not only physical, he is also a spiritual reality and the spiritual world is inhabited by two spiritual forces: the Angels of God and the Angels who have denied God. If the Angels of God are repelled by a dishonest life or behavior, the renegade and malicious Angels will enter the heart and soul of the one who has also denied God.
The Western political sphere has denied God, it is no longer permitted to refer to God in the public sphere; Lucifer has therefore immediately taken His place. He directs, disapproves of everything that is natural, natural law becomes obsolete, natural law is repressed, natural morality is condemned, everything that was inscribed by God in the nature of man, in the nature of creation must be rethought in the manner of the devil!
So, God, who is so good - and I, Jesus Christ, who am God, proved this to you during My life with you on earth - just as He accepted the human verdict of the Crucifixion to take upon Himself all the sins of the world and satisfy divine Justice in man's place, in the same way - He who is so good - will let man destroy himself and planet Earth until He decides, as He decided to resurrect, that the earth, purified of its poisons, be reborn from its ashes.
Yes, My dear children, the earth will experience a necessary purification and just as My Passion and My Death on the Cross happened with pain and humiliation, so the earth, the Holy Church and men will be reborn after a time of suffering and humiliation.
Yes, the earth is called to be reborn because from the corrupted state it has become, it will emerge clean and healthy as it should always have remained. Men will die or be converted, and God will rejoice in his creation, making it beautiful, healthy and faithful again.
But on the other hand, what madness to see the apostasy of the nations, the blasphemy especially directed at sacred things, the refusal of all that deserves respect, the brutality, the pride while alone they are little, the excessive ambition of those who consider themselves respectable because they are superior to others, they believe.
What madness, My children, what madness! Come to Me who gives you everything and leave alone those who, servile and unnatural, follow the devil who has nothing to offer them. Don't follow them, come to me, I am the Way, the Truth and the Life, whoever seeks elsewhere will only find nothingness, the abyss of nothingness.
I bless you, in the Name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, and make the sign of the cross because I truly bless you.
May God be blessed and may all His work be admired!
Your Lord and your God.