Messages from Diverse Sources


Monday, December 9, 2024

I Am the Queen of Love, I Invite You to Be Love; with Love, Children, Everything Is Transformed

Message of the Immaculate Conception ♡ Queen of Love dictated to Marcella in Italy on December 7, 2024


Dear children, today grace abounds, My Mother Heart calls you in prayer as you wait for Our Savior: He is the grace, He is the way, He is your salvation, He is the divine Love. My children, have mercy on those who do not know God's Love, pray much for them. I, My children, bring you the Love of My Son, I bring you the grace of My Son, He is the grace. Do not flee from the holy Church!

Celebrate holy Christmas together with your family, do not run away; forgive, children, forgiveness is so pleasing to the Holy Trinity and to your Mother.

I am the Queen of Love, I invite you to be Love; with love, children, everything is transformed. It is love that heals, love is peace, love makes God's heart rejoice. You also be love, My children! I remind you, do not flee from My Motherly Heart, follow Me and take example from the Saints, offer all your love.

Pray for the sick in body and soul, prayer, My children, heals and drives away evil from this world that is very sick. I listen to the prayers of My beloved children and intercede for your requests, continue your daily prayer and love one another. In this time of war, My children, pray more intensely, our Lord is grieving, He invites you to peace, seek peace.

I embrace you to My Motherly Heart and bless you all with the holy blessing of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

I am your Heavenly Mother Immaculate Conception Queen of Love.

Heavenly Mother was wonderful, she had a beautiful dress, white gold on pink, she had a beautiful rosary beads in her hand, when she opened her arms many sparks of light came down and she said to Me, "Do you see, daughter? This light is light of grace, welcome this light. Dear children, all of you who come from far away, I bless you all, continue your prayer. I am with you. Every month I participate and come among you, My heart rejoices because I look at you, you are immersed in prayer and for that I thank you and bless you."

Source: ➥