Messages from Diverse Sources
Wednesday, December 25, 2024
Stand Ready for the Lifting Up, O You Who Are Faithful to Me
Message from God The Father to Myriam Corsini in Carbonia, Sardinia, Italy on December 22, 2024

May the Light of the Risen Christ shine upon My people.
Beloved children, be ready to see Me, soon I will manifest Myself in My glory.
Behold, the time has come for God to manifest Himself to His people! Believe in Me, beloved children, shelter yourselves in Me, do not deviate from My ways.
Stand ready for the uplifting, O you who are faithful to Me, you who like innocent children shelter yourselves in Me, surrender yourselves to Me and call Me Father!
Children of the Light, may My light shine upon you, be truthful in My holy will.
The wickedness of the infernal enemy is great, but great will be My mercy upon all who will acclaim Me and acknowledge Me as the one and only true God.
The roads of the world are about to be closed to traffic, everything is about to be stopped: ...a turbulent disasteris at the gates of the Earth, My voice calls My children to conversion.
Place your hands in My shelters, My children, finish the work. All is to be in your eyes, My children, place obedience to My calls, love Me as your Creator, come joyfully to Me, I Am! All things I can! Do not fear to face the world, Truth be in you, defend it.
You are at the gates of the Warning!
Do not play upon My revelations, O men, lest the black moon come in you.
Thunder and lightning will fall with power on earth, the world will be shocked by My power.
Men of Galilee, advance without stopping, the wind is blowing hard, the devastating force of war will be your weeping.
Our tears bathe the Earth, My Blessed Mother, the Virgin Mary, is preparing to come to the aid of Her beloved children.
This Humanity is in danger, darkness is thickening more and more in the hearts of those far from God: for their denial of their Creator they will have to suffer much.
The cross is about to appear in the sky, shortly you will see it, you will know the magnificence of God! Your God Love.
Behold, My Angels are ready for the descent, the faithful to God will be lifted up to Me, they will know Me and have part in My Kingdom.
The voice of the Creator God, in His infinite power, will shake the hardened souls, shake them as He will shake the foundations of the Church.
The painful birthing of the Earth is taking place, all will participate.Transformation is taking place, this Humanity will try the rod of the Father.
Convert, O men, convert lest you find yourselves without the Creator's help, do not be foolish, celebrate in your hearts Him Who is, abandon sin, renounce Satan!
Enough! The time is now! Your salvation depends on your return to the Creator. Amen.
Source: ➥