Messages to Edson Glauber in Itapiranga AM, Brazil
Saturday, March 8, 1997
Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace to Edson Glauber

Peace be with you!
Dear children, thank you for coming. My children, do you love me? Then do not offend my son Jesus any more with sin. Repent sincerely of your faults.
Dear children, a person's future only God knows. Be very careful with those who claim to predict someone's future, because they are not acting from God, but from Satan. Only God can, must, and knows someone's destiny, and no one else. Pray, pray, pray, so that God will take away from all of you the evils, and the terrible errors that have spread all over the world today.
I am your Mother and the Queen of Peace. I wish to give you my peace and my Mother's love.
Dear children, do not harden your hearts, closing them to me and to my Son Jesus. Dedicate your time to me by praying the Rosary, so that I can mold your hearts, similar to the heart of my Divine Son Jesus Christ.
Dear children, peace, peace, peace. Pray for the peace of the Almighty, because My Lord wishes to give you His peace.
I would like to thank you for your presence once again. You do not know how much you make my Immaculate Heart exult with joy. Continue always like this, praying, doing penance and giving yourselves into God's hands, and at the end of your lives you will receive from the Lord the reward you deserve: the glory of his kingdom.
Meditate this week on the passion of Jesus. If possible, make the Stations of the Cross, I am waiting for you in prayer to grant you special graces. Do not give up on your journey, but go forward. Behold, I am here to help you.
I urge you all: convert. You do not know the secrets that have been revealed by Me to this little child of mine, this fragile instrument that I have chosen to reveal My mysteries and My love as a Mother. Know that these are grave revelations for the Church and for the world, but that they can be avoided through the prayers and sacrifices of many. Pray, pray, and devote some of your time in meditating and living my holy messages.
To all I bless: in the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. See you soon!