Messages to Edson Glauber in Itapiranga AM, Brazil
Thursday, November 27, 1997
Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace to Edson Glauber

Dada: in Itapiranga-AM to: Edson Glauber
"Peace be with you!
My dear children, how much I love you. You are so loved by Me, by Jesus and St. Joseph. I desire to embrace you and give you all My love.
My children, this is the last time I will give you messages in this way. It is necessary that all of you live My calls with love.
I will still return here in Itapiranga four more times. At My last public appearance, I will come again to give you the blessing of My Immaculate Heart.
The flame of love of My Immaculate Heart expands over all of you at this moment.
I want to help you always, and I want each one of you here present to devote yourself to meditating on My Holy Messages.
Prayer is very necessary. The Lord awaits the total surrender of each one of you. Do not waste Heaven's graces, for I dedicate myself without ceasing for your salvation.
Love, love, love, and truly live in peace with your brothers. I send you a kiss of love!
I bless you all: In the Name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. See you soon!"
"Peace be with you!
Dear children, I am the Mother of Jesus and I come this night to give you My heavenly blessing. Convert, My children. Change your lives. Abandon sin. Be Jesus', and not Satan's.
Tonight I extend My Hands over you and bless you in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Pray the Holy Rosary every day.
Dear young people, return to God.
Dear young people, give yourselves to Jesus.
Dear young people, how much I love you. Come to me, dear young people and I will lead you to Jesus.
Oh, Alagoas, listen to the call of Your Mother. Don't waste time.
My children, I am here tonight to give you special graces. It is Jesus who sends Me among you, My children.
Meditate, meditate, meditate how great is My love for you.
I pray to all My children throughout the world: Be obedient to Pope John Paul II. Offer part of your prayers for him. Whoever prays for the Pope has God's blessing.
Dear children, listen to Me. Do not allow Me to shed tears because of so much rebellion and disobedience in the world.
So many sins, my children: so many blasphemies, so many outrages. So much cruelty, my children. Do not live in hatred, live in love.
I bless you all: In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. See you soon!"