Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA
Saturday, July 7, 2018
Saturday, July 7, 2018

Saturday, July 7, 2018: (First Saturday)
Jesus said: “My people, I performed My first miracle at the wedding feast of Cana, when I changed the water into wine. My Blessed Mother told Me they had no more wine. Then she told the servants: ‘Do whatever He tells you.’ So I asked the servants to fill six large stone jars with water, and then take some to the head waiter. You saw one of these huge stone jars that held thirty gallons of water. The head waiter, after tasting the water made into wine, remarked how they saved the best wine until now. This saying of My Blessed Mother refers not only to My miracle of changing water into wine, but it refers to how all of My faithful should center their lives around Me. When you follow what I teach you in the Scriptures, and carry out My mission for you, then you will be on the right path to heaven. I will not lead you astray, but you have to give up your pride to let Me lead your life. Other people want to lead their own lives, and they do not have faith in Me to know that I know what is best for you in life. When you let Me lead your life, it will be the right spiritual path that will lead you to heaven. Have no doubt in My ways, even if I take you out of your comfort zone to help people. When you follow Me, you will share in My happiness both on earth and in heaven.”
Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing the Lucerne Super Collider in Europe that is the most powerful in all the world. These scientists are trying to explore the ‘God’ particle in how I made everything, but their work can be dangerous to people who live around this device. This machine and plasma generators could possibly form a black hole which could cause a lot of damage. You are also seeing how the HAARP machine and the polar shifts could cause heat waves by causing high pressure systems to stay in one place for days. Your recent heat wave has been caused by the HAARP machine focusing a high pressure system over the Northeast. Whenever you see a high or low pressure last for days, this is a signature of the HAARP machine being used. Pray for more normal weather so your farm fields get enough rain, and are not dried out that could cause a famine. Trust in Me to feed My faithful with whatever you need to survive.”
Source: ➥