Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Friday, May 8, 2015
...because your soul is immortal!
- Message No. 938 -

My child. My dear child. Tell the children of the world, THEY MUST BE CONVERTED, if they do not want to be swallowed up by the earth, the abyss and the fires of hell, for all this is now imminent and woe to him who has not prepared himself, woe to him who has refused and not given his YES to Jesus, woe to him who does not honor the Father, does not love the Son and "despises" the Mother, let it be said to you: you will perish and be lost!
The earth will open up, and it will swallow you up. You will be "dead", but you will not die, because your soul is immortal! The abyss of hell will open, and you will be plunged into the mire and flames of corruption, and you will not be able to stop it, for only those who have confessed Jesus will "survive".
Eternal life in glory is given to him, but hellfire, corruption, damnation awaits you, and no one will be able to escape, because the devil will no longer release a soul he has stolen, and there will be no turning back for you, and you will suffer eternally, because as I told you, your soul is immortal, and torments of hell will overtake you and torment and distress and endless sufferings and all WITHOUT HOPE, because you gambled away your salvation, did not want to listen, did not follow Jesus.
You were lukewarm, or apostate, violent and/or in bondage to the beast -it doesn't matter what you did, because it's too late, but be sure: the fires of hell will overtake you because of WHAT YOU DID NOT DO!
So be repentant and not stupid: ONLY JESUS is your salvation, your ticket to Heaven and the New Kingdom. WITHOUT HIM there is no salvation, and whoever does not believe in HIM will be lost, because he himself closes the way to God the Father, and willingly marches on false paths, WHICH LEAD ALL TO THE BEAST AND INTO HELL!
Be warned, then, beloved children, for he who does not confess Jesus will soon be lost. Amen.
I love you. Ask Me, and I pray for you and those you ask Me for. The saints of the communion of saints are at your side if you ask them. Use this help, for it is powerful!
I love you.
Your Bonaventure. Amen.
Source: ➥