Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Wednesday, September 2, 2015
My promise will be fulfilled in those who are faithful to Me!
- Message No. 1057 -

Lourdes I AM and will always BE. Come to Me and prepare yourselves, for My promise will be fulfilled in those who are faithful to Me. Many miracles of conversion I will yet work before the great day is come.
So pray, atone, sacrifice and make atonement, for many brothers and sisters in the Lord I will yet reach through this.
Mercy will then give way to justice, so find your way to Me, to your Jesus, for I AM and will always BE. Amen.
The division among My children will now become more and more, greater and greater. Do not be afraid and remain completely secure in My heart. I, your Jesus, will come to redeem you, and blessed will you be.
Prepare yourselves for My return.
I will send My warning ahead. Be sure that it will not take long then. Amen.
In most merciful love, your Jesus.
Source: ➥