Messages from Diverse Sources


Monday, September 30, 2024

Darkness Is Advancing, Heaven Is Descending for Battle, Everything Is Coming Soon. Prepare Yourselves, Stand Together, Be Strong

Message from Most Holy Mary to Myriam Corsini in Carbonia, Sardinia, Italy on September 25, 2024, Locution on the Hill


Most Holy Mary:

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit I bless you, My children. I am here with you, I join My hands to your hands and together with you I beseech My Son Jesus to His anticipated return.

Let us pray together, My children, soon this Hill will be radiant with the Light of God! This Grotto will open to welcome all His faithful children, all those who have responded in love and charity to His call.

Today I want to keep you as always under My Mantle, to hold you tightly in My Breast, to give you the strength and courage to fight the battle.

Strongly begin the struggle against the infernal enemy, My children will be protected by Me and led by Me. I am Guide in this Work, I will be strong as a lion to defend My children and all that belongs to My Son Jesus.

God hails His children and with patient love awaits the conversion of many, those still far away.

Heaven is close to its intervention on Earth, nothing will be recognized of this world, everything will be transformed in the Beauties of God.

I have been crowned Queen of Heaven and Earth, I will soon come to inhabit your homes to prepare you for the final confrontation.

My children, turn away from sin, do not allow the Evil One to seduce you, be vigilant: he does not sleep, he is always ready to suck in the souls that fall into human weakness.

Pray, always pray the Holy Rosary, pray continually, with heart and mind, invoke the Holy Spirit and the help of the Angels and Archangels.

Go ahead, My children, soon we will have a great feast in Heaven, the banquet is ready, God's children will be lifted up to Him, in white robes, they will be God's blessed ones, they will be filled with the gifts of the Holy Spirit and they will be the image and likeness of God.

Everything is coming soon, do not be discouraged, My children, be joyful and go forward in the battle, God is with you, I am with you, all of Heaven will accompany you.


Second locution at the Hill. 4:52 p.m.

In this locution the Blessed Virgin asks us to kneel:

Jesus is passing among you, He is laying His hand on your head, He is blessing you in His Holy Name, He is imprinting on your forehead the sign of the cross, He is marking you on your forehead and on your heart, He is giving you strength.

This sign will also reach all those who faithfully accompany Him in this special mission of salvation.

Always, place Jesus Christ before you, be obedient to Him, put your heart in His hands, offer yourselves completely to Him.

Darkness is advancing, Heaven is descending for battle, everything is coming soon, My children, prepare yourselves, be united, be strong. Soon the new Church will triumph with Christ Jesus and His retinue, His faithful priests, His faithful friends, all of you who are following Him and worshipping Him in true love with your lives.


Source: ➥
