Messages from Diverse Sources


Saturday, October 5, 2024

Jesus Visited the Homes of His Children! He Sealed Them with the Sign of His Cross

Message from Most Holy Mary to Myriam Corsini in Carbonia, Sardinia, Italy on September 28, 2024 - Second Locution at the Hill


Mary Most Holy says:

My beloved children, I love you so much, I look upon you with tenderness, I perfume you with My love, I relieve you from difficulties,...even if you do not notice I am always ready to gather you up and make you safe from dangers.

Jesus has prepared for you His delights, the Father has destined for you a new Earth, a special project, a project that gathers all His children in love and faithfulness for eternity.

Heaven fights the rebellious angels: ... these demons, with their iron teeth try to cling to the heavenly angels, but never will they succeed!!! They do not surrender, but their assault ends here; they have lost the battle from the beginning, the only victor is God, He is Jesus Christ and He is preparing for His next manifestation to the world.

Beloved children, your eyes are bright, already shining with Divine Light. Love Jesus, love Jesus more than anything else: on earth the needs are there and they are many, but the Lord will intervene so that you will not lack anything, you will be in abundance and you will give help to other poorer brothers and sisters.

The Lord from nothing will create, do not be afraid, respond in obedience to what He asks of you.

Conversion is a primary thing! Love your Creator God and serve Him.

Oh, My children, how many betrayals, how many betrayals! many promises made to the Lord Jesus Christ and not kept!

How many offenses to Him made by taking what was not yours, but of your brothers, ...of your God in the first place. How many tears! So many tears, My children! So many tears, so much pain, ...repent!

Oh, you who feel poor, clothe yourselves with the light of your Lord Jesus Christ, be an imitation of Him, be as He asks of you.

Love must go forth! You are called to keep love going: clothe yourselves with love, love as God loves you. You are on earth for love, love! Strip yourselves of filthy garments, put on those of Divine Light, of Infinite Light.

Jesus visited the homes of His children!...He sealed them with the sign of His Cross.

God's love is infinite! Show yourselves worthy of this sign. “Good overcomes Evil.”

My children, shortly your eyes will be opened new, at the new dawn you will see things different from what you know, everything will be new and will smell of Divine Light.

I love you, I bless you, I accompany you! I am with you always, do not be afraid to work for the Kingdom of Heaven, do not be afraid to advance in love, pray for the conversion and salvation of your brothers and sisters. Commit yourselves to this mission, My children. I embrace you in My Bosom, and with you I continue to pray this holy Rosary in supplication to God the Father for the anticipated return of Jesus.

Verily, I say to you, My child, to you who find yourself displaced, to you who await God's greatest gift in you, I say: be serene all will be realized of what God has put in you, His promises will never fall, His Word is one and one will be forever.


Source: ➥
