Messages from Diverse Sources


Saturday, October 12, 2024


Message from Our Lady of America to Ned Dougherty at St Rosalie’s Campus, Hampton Bays, NY, USA on October 7, 2024


I come to you today as Your Lady of America, for I wish to convey to you a message of urgency to God’s sons and daughters in the United States of America and to all of God’s children in the whole world!

Remember My words to the children of La Salette. I can no longer hold back My Son’s arm and spare humanity from the events that must necessarily take place to prepare humanity for a New Heaven and a New Earth.

To those of you who hear My messages and believe that you are indeed in the midst of the End Times, you must recognize that there is now a quickening of geopolitical and geophysical events that are thrusting humanity into this chaos, confusion, and turmoil of the End Times.

A crescendo of End Times events has already begun which should sound the alarm to you that you are now in the final stages of the End Times. Watch for the signs: Wars and rumors of a Third World War. More frequent and erratic weather patterns resulting in violent storms, floods, tornadoes, hurricanes, earthquakes, and tsunamis. Nations in turmoil with violent crimes, rioting, and looting run rampant. Economic strife and for many starvation and death. Plagues and rampant illnesses leading to death. All signs of the end times. Many of these events are being orchestrated and engineered by the evil one and his minions to attack and destroy all of God’s children.

Remember My words to the children of Fatima. My warnings at Fatima concerning the errors of Russia – atheistic communism – are once again being fulfilled in today’s world. There exists now a cabal of demonic minions – Russia, China, and the globalist oligarchs who are attempting through worldwide subversive communism to bring about a new world order.

They intend to increase their power and control over all of the citizens of the world and cede their ill-gained authority to their true leader – the evil one – who wears many disguises – lucifer, the fallen angel, baal, satan, lucifer, baphomet, moloch, and other demons who shall be cast from the face of the Earth.

The time is near for these events to happen, but humanity’s response to the Father in Heaven’s pleas to you will determine the frequency and severity of the end times events.

To the Children of My Son’s Church: Once again, remember My words to the children of La Salette and the children of Fatima, concerning My Son’s Church as prophesied for the End Times. As I speak to you My brothers and sisters in Christ, the leaders of My Son’s Church are meeting in an End Times synod to bring about changes to My Son’s Church challenging the traditions that have been cherished by the people for over 2,000 years. Despite appearances of ‘synodality’, the evil one has pitted cardinals against cardinals, and bishops against bishops, as the smoke of satan – atheistic communism – has infiltrated My Son’s Church.

Remember that My Son’s Church is founded upon the rock of St Peter and all the powers of hell shall not prevail against My Son’s Church. Be assured that My Son’s Church will survive these dark days of communist infiltration, and I am counting on you the powerful prayer warriors to steer My Son’s Church through these End Times. For in the end, the Church of My Son will not be saved by the cardinals and bishops, but by the traditional sons and daughters of the Father in Heaven who have remained steadfast to bring the One, True, Catholic, and Apostolic Church through the End Times and into the New Era for all of God’s children.

To the People of the United States of America: The election that will take place in four weeks is the most important election in your nation’s history. The choices in this election pit Good versus Evil; Right versus Wrong; Freedom versus Communism.

This election is a choice between supporting and strengthening the nationality and sovereignty of your Republic or submitting to a ‘committee’ of unelected and unknown globalists who fully intend to dissolve the United States of America and replace it with a globalist ‘new world order’. In fact, this ‘committee’ of communists has already been in control of your nation for decades and most solidly with the inauguration of the illegitimate government of the past four years whose puppet leaders have been deluding you into accepting the communist takeover of your nation.

Do not be deceived by others among you who are knowingly or unknowingly being led by socialists, communists, and Marxists, who are hell-bent on destroying the United States of America. You must sound the alarm loudly and clearly to your family members and friends and to all citizens to rise up and vote against this tyranny against America and the whole world.

To the people of the United States of America: You have four weeks from today to turn the tide away from the evil one and to all that is good to elect leaders who are in alignment with the Father’s plan for all of mankind – for what transpires in this election affects not only your country but also the whole world.

The rest of the freedom-loving citizens of the world are counting on America making the right decisions in four weeks because the whole world knows that the world will fall into the bottomless pit of communist control unless America stands its ground against the communist new world order of the global elites.

Is it not obvious to you that the hand of the Father in Heaven has been guiding certain of your leaders while the evil one remains in control of others who have recently seized control of your Federal government in a corrupt and stolen election? Be vigilant! Your enemies fully intend to rig and steal the election again!

Those very evil minions of lucifer and satan are attempting to destroy the works of the Father to finally reduce the nationality and sovereignty of your nation to a feudal state of the Marxists, communists, and radicals who are now in control of your nation.

The Father in Heaven specifically designated that the United States of America would become a source of inspiration to the Peoples of the World to recognize that the Constitution and the Bill of Rights of the United States of America have been inspired in their passage by the Father in Heaven who at the time directly intervened in the affairs of mankind to infuse within humanity a plan of living in a righteous nation that owes its very existence to the Father in Heaven.

In four weeks, the future of the United States of America is in your hands. Do not disappoint your Maker and Creator, your Father in Heaven; His Son, Jesus Christ; Your Heavenly Mother; all of the Angels and Saints; and all of your brothers and sisters in Christ who have passed on before you to the Heavenly realms.

Do not disappoint your ancestors who sacrificed their lives so that you could prosper in this land of opportunity that has been so ordained by the Father in Heaven. For the Father in Heaven intended that the United States of America would be a beacon of hope to the Peoples of the World to recognize that the Father in Heaven and the Heavenly Realms – which is your home – do exist to oversee your activities here on Earth.

Now, more than ever before, it must be evident to you that the evil one and his works also do exist and that as you have recently seen in your political affairs the evil one is exercising draconian controls over many of you who have become minions of the evil one – of satan, lucifer, and all of the demons.

The End is near! For this is the Final Battle! This is the Final Hour!

There will be an intervention in the affairs of mankind from the Heavenly Realms that will separate the chaff – the followers of Satan – from the wheat – the Powerful Prayer Warriors of the Father in Heaven. Satan and his minions will be defeated in the end but your cooperation in acting for the Father in Heaven is essential to ensure that all that is good becomes the victor over all of humanity to ensure that the evil of the world will be cast with finality into the pits of hell!

How you survive in these End Times as children of God depends on whether or not you respond to Your Mother’s Plea to pray, pray, pray for the future of humanity!

Your Father in Heaven; His Son the Redeemer, Jesus Christ; Your Heavenly Mother, and all the Angels and the Saints command you in these times to know your place within humanity and take up arms and pray powerfully that Good prevails with finality over the evil of the world.

Will you become the Powerful Prayer Warriors that you are intended to be?

Are you going to rise to your proper place in the future of humanity here on Earth or are you going to ignore what is evident now?

The evil one is attempting to gain final and complete control over planet Earth by destroying the United States of America.

The evil one must be stopped now!

Where will you be in this battle of the End Times?

Source: ➥
