Messages from Diverse Sources


Monday, October 14, 2024

You Also Thank Heaven Always, the Future of Mankind Has Been Revealed to You in the Secret of Fatima

Message from Lucia, Jacinta and Francisco of Fatima to the Holy Trinity Love Group in Oliveto Citra, Salerno, Italy on October 13, 2024, Recurrence of the Miracle of the Sun in Fatima



Brothers, sisters, we are the three shepherd children of Fatima, I Lucia, Jacinta and Francisco, we witnessed a great miracle, which has never been repeated, but I tell you it will be repeated in future times.

The world will still experience the miracle of the sun, but not everyone will see it, it will be granted to those who will believe in Fatima, to those who will believe in the message that Our Lady has given us, message of salvation, its content speaks of the future of humanity, of chastisements, of purification, of the events that will take place there, it speaks of things that have also already happened that have been hidden from you.

I didn't sleep that night, as happened very often when Our Lady was to appear to me, the anticipation kept me agitated, I was looking forward to meeting Jacinta and Francisco, as soon as I saw them we immediately held hands, I told them, promise me that whatever happens we stick together, I was afraid, even though Our Lady had never let us down.

There were many people everywhere I turned, they were calling me, they were calling Jacinta, they were calling Francisco, they wanted to touch us, I was happy but the fear was stronger than the joy, I started to run towards the Cova, my parents were with me that day, they protected me.

When we arrived at the Cova, people were singing, praying, but Our Lady still didn't come, Jacinta was shaking my hand, Francisco was caressing me, they were my strength, some time passed, but I didn't mind, Our Lady would come as she promised us, but many people left.

All of a sudden before the Lady appeared, a huge fire that enveloped the whole Cova, huge wings, it was the Archangel Uriel, he signaled me to look at the sun and suddenly the miracle began.

The sun began to dance, people were shouting, they were afraid that it would fall on them so much that it came close to all of us, that miracle was also felt in the neighboring countries, Jacinta noticed something very important, to report to everyone who was present.


Little brothers, little sisters, that day Our Lady gave that very great sign, Our Lady appeared to us in the hour when Her Son was Crucified.

Before the sun danced, a strong thunderstorm soaked everyone present, many were the people who shouted saying that it was all false, some people who did not believe, found their clothes dried up, a Cross appeared in the sky, we were happy, but at the same time we were very afraid, because we trusted what Our Lady told us, this miracle and the great mercy of God has for the world.

Brothers, sisters, we didn't just see this, we saw much more that day, soon we will tell you about it. Jacinta and Francisco still want to talk to you.


Little brothers, little sisters, that day was for us the beginning of the great confirmations that Heaven was giving to the world, Our Lord, gave the sign of His great mercy through the sun.

The sun enlightens all His good and bad children, enlightens poor sinners who do not know what they are doing, this Our Lady told us.

People began to shout for joy at the prodigy that was happening, everyone was trying to get close to Us, the Cova was packed, there was no room, we were all embraced, came Our Lady and spoke to Lucia.


My daughter, She said to me, the world will have to remember this day, because it will serve to have faith in God the Father, because the world will face difficult times, purification will take place through fire, it will take place through water, nations will disappear, fear will be so great that many of My children will die.

Revelation speaks of the future of mankind, those at the top of the Church know this, because many things have not happened yet, My daughter they too will betray My Son Jesus, repudiate His teachings, carrying out rules against the law of our Lord, it will take a lot of purification, that's why chastisements will be inevitable, hell as I showed you, is waiting for it to be filled, but I don't want that, I want salvation, because souls are good, they were created by God the Father Our Lord. Lucifer has taken possession in the high places and will continue in the future to rule without restraint, making souls unworthy, leading souls to perdition, lucifer will make sure that truth will be covered by lies, everything will be questioned, nature will be changed by man's intelligence, the intelligence given to him by lucifer, souls will fall ill and hide the cures, My daughter that is why the intervention will be inevitable and you Lucia, you will carry My message inside and outside the Church, Jacinta and Francisco will always accompany you, the world will undergo a transformation, it will go from light to darkness and after a while from darkness to light, I will warn everyone and You will help Me.

Brothers, sisters, needless to say, all this filled me with fear, but I wanted to be useful for Our Lady who had given us so much by trusting us.

On that day, many souls were healed in body and spirit, the blind gained sight, the deaf heard, the lame walked again, when the miracle was over they were all filled with joy to the point of hugging, kissing, smiling, bearing witness with one another, the country was shocked, even the surrounding villages were touched by the sun, many signs had in their homes, the sun penetrated everywhere drying everything that was wet, the color of the sky was constantly changing, many rainbows were seen that day, for the people everything was magical, no one could deny of the presence of Our Lady. We, when everything was over, started singing, we hugged each other.

Thank you Maria, Thank you Maria, Thank you Maria, everybody sing.


Little brothers, little sisters, the world was shocked by what happened that day. From that day, the appearances of Our Lady in public ended, because our mission, mine and Francisco's, was coming to an end in this world.

The most important thing that Our Lady wished to tell the world, had already been revealed to us, and it was the Third Secret, that day I promised Our Lady that no matter what, I would reveal it.

Little brothers, little sisters, pray a lot, hell exists and it is very ugly, pray for many Anointed Ones, I saw many there, when Our Lady was showing me hell, by my side were always present the Archangels, THEY protected us day and night, Our Lady made us live in Her grace, we will never end thanking Her.

This was a great gift for us, understand also the grace that makes you live Our Lady, show Her that you love Her even with small sacrifices, as She always asked us, we too in the world had many sufferings, but Our Lady helped us to overcome everything, She was and is our Mother.


Little brothers, little sisters, when that day came to an end I, together with Jacinta and Lucia, offered many prayers to Our Lady to thank Her for all that She had given us, you also thank Heaven always, the future of mankind has been revealed to you in the Secret of Fatima, be responsible, we have been to the end and still help Our Lady.

Little brothers, little sisters, the world will experience the Revelation as revealed to us Our Lady, have faith and much strength, the protection of the Archangels and for all those who honor the Holy Trinity through the Holy Law. I love you.


Brothers, sisters, when it was all over, I was drawn to look again at the spot where the sun seemed to fall, I saw again the Archangel Uriel who once again showed me where the chapel would be built in honor of Our Lady, this happened a little later, many people who were touched gave their contribution to carry out the will of Our Lady to welcome the souls who were to come there in the future.

Brothers, sisters, a chapel will also be built here in honor of Our Lady, Our Lady of the Apocalypse, Our Lady of the Sun, this will be Her final landmark, to warn mankind and to guide all souls who will want to follow Her voice.

I must go, first I wish that we all together honor Our Lord, raise our arms to the sun. All together recite an Our Father. Praise Our Lord by singing the Lord's Prayer. Now repeat in your hearts, Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name, Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven, give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us and lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil, amen.

Brothers, sisters, we must go, Our Lady is giving you Her blessing, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Our Lady is with me and with you.

Source: ➥
