Messages from Diverse Sources


Tuesday, October 15, 2024

To Follow Christ Is Not to Abandon the Catholic and Christian Church of Christ, It Is Not to Found Another Church, to Follow Christ Is to Help Save “The Faithful Little Remnant” and Keep the Church Standing

Message from Our Lord Jesus Christ to Marie Catherine of the Redemptive Incarnation in Brittany, France on October 12, 2024


Reading :

- 1 Kings 13 Prophecy against the pagan altar of Jeroboam

- 2 Kings 23, 15-20

- Psalm 105, 14-15

Readings referring to the great errors and insults to God committed by ungodly kings and by the disobedience of certain prophets.

Steps of recapitulation, cleansing willed by Jehovah and re-establishment of Divine worship, in God's chosen People and according to His Divine Will.

Word of Jesus Christ:

"Blessed art thou My tender and sweet daughter of Love, Light and Holiness through thy God Thrice Holy: Father, Son and Holy Spirit."

I give My prophets very great missions that must be carried out with discretion and the charisms necessary for the Mission. You and your chosen friends of God, have understood and felt My constant Presence with you on this journey that is chained into another mission connected to the ultimate goal.

Speak My daughter prophet, speak ceaselessly in the Name of the Lord, My sweet beloved. Warned and informed, My people need to hear and understand more in order to open their hearts and protect themselves from the falsehood that, through My Words, you reveal to them clearly and simply. Fear not, My protection is for all Mine, so persecuted in these End Times.

To understand through these Words, Mine, the Divine Will and His Omnipotence, is good and necessary since They reveal and spread Divine Love for all His children.

These Words are Light in the Call to Eternal Life offered for all and indicating the Way, the Truth and the Life.

Receive the warnings that concern you. Be obedient, there is only one Way.

Avoid the seduction of the liar who sometimes speaks to you in usurpation of My Words. My Word is Straight and Immutable.

Then don't listen to all those who try to make you believe that God changes His rules, giving you unnatural permissions and blessing all aberrant transgressions disrupting the order established by Divine Wisdom for Eternity.

In My Infinite Love I will not leave Mine in suffering, in the hands of the artisans of the abominable.

Pull yourself together, cease this stubborn resistance, note frankly the world situation, including that of My Church; admit that this situation, which is now yours, has nothing of the Plan of Love offered to you by your Creator and Savior.

The scandal, the depravity you've been facing for many years, the race to decay and the death of your soul that no longer sees what Life is, the meaning of Life and the Author of Your Life, is this the legacy you want to leave to your children? the suffering, the physical and moral torture, the martyrdom for these innocents? My children, don't let these Times end in despair, hatred and incomprehension as I call you.

Yes, God is here, even if most in this world deny or reject Him. You who have received the grace of Faith, redouble your Love and Charity, PRAY, PRAY unceasingly for those who don't know how to talk to God, who don't know how to see or receive the graces offered to bring them back to Life, Hope and Truth.

Everything good you do, My beloved ones, I multiply by 100, by 1000, by 10,000. I am the Almighty, I love you and want you to be happy.

Ask for the inspiration of the Holy Spirit and your words, in the service of God, will have weight and a sincere light that will pour into embittered hearts that no longer expect anything.

On the other hand, be My associates and support My Living Church, so wounded. Pray for My priests who see no opening and live in undue criticism, they are taken hostage!

To follow Christ is not to abandon the Catholic and Christian Church of Christ, it is not to found another Church, To follow Christ is to help save the faithful "little remnant" and keep the Church standing.

To follow Christ is to cast out evil and abide in the Steps of Jesus Christ to heal and cure the sick of fear, raise up the dying of resignation, is to love above all else.

To follow Christ is to sing with Mary Co-redeemer:

"The Lord did wonders for me, Holy is His Name, Alleluia, Alleluia".

You are chosen followers of Christ to help close the gates of hell that have settled in this world, which in its negligence has allowed itself to be invaded and trapped, accepting the poisons of lies and pride. In Church, go and bear Truth and Mercy in the urgency of the Last Hour.

The Catholic Church is My People. I am the Founder, the Master and the King: I AM! Mary Immaculate, My Mother associated with My Cross, is Co-Redemptrix and Mother of My Church. She supports and guides My People in their work of Co-Redemption entrusted to them by the Eternal Father.

My People, My Church, Children of God, be Body of Christ, bearing My Word and the Love I give you in your firm faith and ardent determination to save your brothers, soliciting conversions and Salvation for them who believe themselves abandoned.

I call upon the valiant faithful in France to welcome My chosen King from the descendants of David. He humbly wears the crown, debased by the spirit of the world, which he ennobles, giving it the radiance of the goodness and beauty of fraternal union with Christ. He strengthens the broken bonds with the Church and, in mutual protection, solidly forms the unification, body, soul and spirit of the People of God.

Live, My children, in peace, humility and trust in God who loves you. The tribulations so strong that you must live, will be lived according to the personal needs linked to the necessary purification of your soul. The violence of these tribulations is therefore proportional to the evil introduced into the world and into hearts.

Remember, it's with you that the Heavenly Jerusalem is being built.

Jesus Christ"

Marie Catherine of the Redemptive Incarnation, some servant in the Divine Will of the Almighty, One God. "Read on"

October 14, 2024

Source: ➥
