Messages from Diverse Sources


Friday, October 18, 2024

Let My Call Resound throughout the World: Conversion, Prayer, Penance, Sacrifice!

Apparition of the King of Mercy on September 25, 2024 to Manuela in Sievernich, Germany


I see a large golden orb of light floating in the sky, accompanied by two smaller golden orbs of light. The large golden orb of light opens, a wonderful light comes down to us and the King of Mercy comes to us in the robe and mantle of His Precious Blood. He is wearing a large golden crown, has blue eyes and black-brown, short, curly hair. In His right hand He carries a large golden scepter and in His left hand the Vulgate (Holy Scripture). The two smaller spheres of light open and two Holy Angels in simple, radiant white robes emerge from them. The two Holy Angels spread the mantle of the King of Mercy over us. We are sheltered in it as if in a tent. On the front of His robe, the Lord carries the lily stick that I have described so often. He carries a white host with the initials IHS on His chest. The King of Mercy looks at us and says:

"In the name of the Father and of the Son – that is I – and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. Beloved friends, I may call you friends and family at the same time, for I love you with all My heart. Accept the rain as penance. See how much the Eternal Father in Heaven cares for you! See how much I care for you, how the Holy Spirit blows and comforts you, even in this time of tribulation. I want to be in the midst of you. I want to be with you, alive among you through My Word. I want to be alive in the sacraments that Holy Church, My Church, dispenses. And so I want to be especially present in families. Renounce the world, the zeitgeist, and let Me be present among you. How can you do this? Pray together and take advantage of the sacraments of My Church, in which I live! Behold, I am the Eternal High Priest! I am the Son of God, your Savior, and I come to you in this time as the King of Mercy, as a child. There is no value on earth that can outweigh the Holy Mass, so I tell you once again: I give Myself to you in the Holy Mass! This is the highest thing for you! I died for you on the cross and gave up every last drop of My blood and gave up My body for you. Not only My blood, but also My water. That is how much I love you! See what My love does when you listen to My word, ask for reparation and make sacrifices. So I sent My messenger, St. Michael the Archangel, to preserve you. If you ask and repent and live in the sacraments, the war will not expand. It is up to you, beloved children, My friends, My family. Turn the hearts of men to repentance! I do not want you to perish, to suffer eternal death and have no future. Your accuser is the destroyer, the adversary. I do not accuse you, I call you to repentance! Let My call resound throughout the world: conversion, prayer, penance, sacrifice! I am the King of Mercy. Offer up the Holy Mass, in which I give Myself to you, for peace! Thus I would go to all nations and bless them. May they hear My call. Again and again I remind you of the sacraments in which I am alive and again and again I tell you and repeat Myself. You have not understood."

Now the King of Mercy takes His Sceptre, His Heart, which appears on the Host on His chest. His Sceptre becomes the aspergillum of His Precious Blood. It fills with His Precious Blood and the Heavenly King sprinkles us with His Precious Blood and all who think of Him, especially the children, the sick and the suffering:

"In the name of the Father and of the Son – that is I – and of the Holy Spirit. Amen."

The Holy Scripture opens in the hand of the King of Mercy and I see the Scripture passage Hebrews 3, 8 – 17:

Do not harden your hearts as you did when you revolted at the time of temptation in the desert. There your fathers tempted Me, they put Me to the test and yet they had seen My deeds, for forty years. Therefore I hated that generation and said, 'Always they go astray in their heart, They did not recognize My ways. Therefore, in My anger I swore, 'They shall not enter the land of My rest. Take heed, brothers and sisters, that none of you has an evil, unbelieving heart, that none of you fall away from the living God, but admonish one another every day, as long as it is still said: Today, lest any of you be hardened by the deceit of sin; for in Christ we have a part only if we hold fast to the end the confidence we had at the beginning. If it is said, Today, if you hear His voice, do not harden your hearts as in the revolt – who were those who heard and revolted? Was it not all those who came out of Egypt under Moses? Who was opposed to God for forty years? Was it not the sinners whose bodies remained in the desert?

Then the King of Mercy speaks:

"The tribulation is the time of purification. All wars are caused by your godlessness and your unbelief. But I give you My love, My blessing, My grace. You are infinitely loved by Me, therefore I call you to repentance!"

M.: “You know that I can't really do anything. We are all sinful people.” The King of Mercy looks at us lovingly:

"With Me, dear children, you can leap over all walls. Open your hearts to Me and My Heart will be just as open to you. Do not forget that I love you! Pray very much! Do not weigh your prayer! Pray with love in your hearts and I will fill you with My love."

There is a personal message. The King of Mercy requests the following prayer and we pray:

O my Jesus, forgive us our sins,...

The King of Mercy says:

"Do not forget the Atonement Saturdays! Pray them for peace, as I already wished in Fatima. I do not want you to grumble. I want you to be more merciful and pray for people who have gone astray. Only through your prayer can these hearts be saved. Not through your words."

The Heavenly King desires the worship of His feet. M. thanks the King of Mercy and His messenger, the Holy Archangel Michael.

The Lord says that He looks after all the concerns of men. Then He says that the oratory is His residence, since He is the King of Mercy. I say to the Lord that He must have made a joke, because I don't understand this. He smiles and says:


The King of Mercy blesses us all and goes back into the light and disappears. So do the two angels.

This message is being delivered without prejudice to the judgment of the Roman Catholic Church.

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Please refer to the Bible passage Hebrews 3:8–17.

Source: ➥
