Messages from Diverse Sources


Saturday, October 19, 2024

Abandon Yourselves to My Divine Will!

Message from Our Lord and God Jesus Christ to Sister Beghe in Belgium on October 4, 2024


My dear children, My beloved,

You are always in My thoughts as the loved one is always in the thoughts of the one who loves him. Therefore, you are always in My thoughts and without My personal and permanent support you would be abandoned.

I want, My dear children, to speak to you today about abandonment to My divine Will. This intellectual, moral and emotional abandonment is essential for Me to lead you in this world and especially in times of political instability. The Earth is currently in a situation of international tension, but you shouldn't be personally frightened by this. If you pray and if you trust in Me, you will be entirely dependent on My divine Providence, be sure of that and don't turn away from this certainty. I see everything, everything that happens, I know, I know everyone's thoughts, intentions and actions.

Israel is currently the leader, the politicians are conquered and if some criticize it for too much cruelty, they can't say it too loudly for fear of being in dissonance with.... What I mean here is that every man on this earth has a higher authority to which he is subject. If it's not God, it's His implacable enemy, the leader of the rebellious Angels, the one through whom all problems, difficulties, revolts and immoralities are perpetrated. It's him or your God, there is no other; the wrecker, the tyrant, the usurper or your God! I am your God, I see everything that is currently happening on earth and I continue to be your Divine Providence despite the evil, despite all the uncertainties, despite all the dangers.

I will let evil eliminate itself and when it has no more strength, I will intervene because the earth is My creation and I save it, repair it, renew it. I intervene gently with each one of you and I will intervene forcefully on the day when I decide to put an end to evil on earth. This day is near, I repeat it again and again, and your faith, your hope and your charity, these three theological virtues, that is to say, which have God as their object and their neighbor because of Him and for Him, must not make you waver. For all the virtues that you will possess in yourselves, I need you, your example, your trust and your balanced presence because you have God as your Master and because you want to behave as I, your Lord Jesus, have given you an example: always good, always encouraging, always exemplary, always motivated. I never gave in to any blackmail, any pressure, any threat and when I was arrested in Gethsemane it was because God's hour - My hour - had come and because I was always willing to adhere perfectly to God's Plan for Me. I prayed to My Heavenly Father to give Me all the graces I needed not to hesitate in the face of difficulties, not to weaken, not to run away, and God sent his Angel to strengthen Me.

God always helps and if the Father has helped Me to fulfill My duty as Savior, it is because He cares so much about each one of you, He loves you so much that He cannot fail to help you if you ask Him.

The holy Curé of Ars repeated: “It is trust that God asks for!“ and I, your Lord and your God, can affirm the truth of this word: yes, I ask you for your trust, the certainty of My consideration, the conviction of My Presence at your side.

When war breaks out in your lands, because this war desired by the devil will come, yes, it will come, I repeat to you again, be sure that I will not abandon you. I am and remain with you, in your soul and in your homes, in your heart and in your mind, I am there and I will not abandon you.

Dear children, all these messages that I want to write to you are there to assure you that God is thinking of you, of each one of you personally, and as faith is lost, I want to revive it and tell you that you must not let it go, give life to your faith in Me, the Holy Church will shine again because she is My spouse and deserves the same respect that you owe Me.

I gave you the Ten Commandments a long time ago and they are eternal. None of these ten commandments will ever be obsolete or inappropriate and if men despise or ignore them, they will remain relevant until the end of time and the end of the world.

I am the only God to worship and pray to, I am the only God to honor and respect. My commandments are immaculate and for all times. If you disobey just one of these commandments, you disobey them all because they complement and support each other. Keep the Lord's day, Sunday, to worship Me in spirit and in truth and if you don't miss this day dedicated to Me, you will receive My graces to help you keep My other commandments.

Watch, be attentive and pray, and I will not abandon you.

I bless you, My Children, My Dear Ones, My Friends, you are everything to Me, may I also be everything to you. In the Name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. So be it

Your Lord and your God.

Source: ➥ t.Me/NoticiasEProfeciasCatolicas
