Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, March 1, 2009
Message of Saint Joseph
Dear children, My LOVING HEART blesses you this 1st Sunday with love and generosity!
You are My Students and I am your Master in Holiness and Perfection. Come My Students! Let Me take your hands and help you start writing the beautiful 'HINO OF LOVE AND SUNITY' that I wish to teach you and compose with you for the greater honor and glory of the ALMIGHTY!
Be My students, listening with attention and circumspection to My voice; recording in your hearts My Teachings, being attentive to all that I communicate and reveal to you, so that your hearts illuminated and enlightened by the light of eternal truth may know what they must do and how they must do it!
Be my good students, fulfilling the task I give you: to practice the virtues, to oppose to your defects the virtues contrary to them; thus exercising yourselves more and more every day and progressing more and more: in the perfection, in the virtues, in the love, in the hope and in the faith that the LORD desires from all of you and I want to see blossoming in you!
Be My good students, seeking more and more to imitate My Virtues, the Perfection of My Life, so that in this way you may be living copies for Me and faithfully reproduce My Teachings to the world; being so many reflections of Myself, so that this world adorned with vices, sins and disorders may again see the Beauty of Perfection, the Beauty of Virtue, the Beauty of Divine Love and so; may again seek this Beauty and so the world be saved by BEAUTY!
Be My good students, seeking more and more to follow Me on the road that I have marked out for you; which is that of prayer, of Penance, of renouncing yourself and your will, of fleeing from the honors, glories and pleasures of this world, of fleeing from this world that is more and more distant from the LORD and preaching a life and new values contrary to that with which the LORD calls you to love Him, to know Him and to unite you with Him.
Follow Me on this path and then My children truly, one day you will graduate from My School of Perfection and Holiness. and you will give to the LORD: Joy, Contentment and a Holy Pride of being your Father and of you being the children of HE, Mine and the Holy Virgin.
I will help you with My Angels and My Saints and remember always: everything that happens in the lives of those who love GOD, contributes to their good. Peace! I bless you".