Messages from Diverse Sources


Tuesday, February 22, 2022

Jesus the Nazarene, Is Coming Back!

Message from Our Lord to Myriam Corsini in Carbonia, Sardinia, Italy


Jesus the Nazarene, is about to return!

Marvel, oh all of you who do not yet believe because on that day you will "believe". I AM the Infinite Truth! I AM the Alpha and the Omega! The Beginning and the End!

More than 2000 years have passed since My death, but I AM still alive in the hearts of My children, faithful hearts, they are waiting for Me to honor Me and give Me glory. Wake up, oh you who seek joys in this world for you will never find them!

Behold, the time has come for Me to visit you, O men,

I will again extend My mercy to you,

I will ask you for conversion so that I can give you salvation!

Die to sin, O men, choose Life to have eternal life in the dimension of immense love and joy.

Listen to My Word, O men, only I can save you from this horrible end that Satan is preparing for you. You have listened to the Lie, you have let Good slip away to embrace Evil, ... poor men! You have submitted yourselves to Lucifer, ... with his false lights he will take you! His ferocity will be horrible, you will see in your tormentor's face.

I still extend My hand to you, O men, listen to Me and follow Me, ... renounce the things of this world, have the courage to go up the path that leads to your Father who art in heaven!

Join Mary Most Holy, in this final struggle against Satan, listen and follow Her directives which are those of Heaven, ... they are for your salvation! She will guide you to victory, sanctify you through the gifts of the Holy Spirit and lead you pure and immaculate in love, to the Father, Who is waiting for you to embrace you back to Himself and give you of Himself.

It is the last appeal that God makes to this wicked Humanity!

Awake, O men, straighten your paths!

Convert, oh you who still wander in darkness! ... Oh you, who mock your Creator God, repent quickly ... time is over! Miserum est!


Source: ➥
