Messages from Diverse Sources


Sunday, March 13, 2022

My Coming is anticipated. Only in Me is salvation realized

Messages from Heaven to Myriam Corsini in Carbonia, Sardinia, Italy


Carbonia 12.03.2022 - 6:25 p.m.

My Coming is anticipated, the Father has decreed My intervention.

My children, the gates of the Holy City are open to all of you who love Me. You will be renewed in Me and you will be holy men; your food will be everlasting in Me.

I see this Humanity falling more and more into the misery of Satan, My children have given themselves to him, they have chosen him as their god, they have denied Life to prefer Death.

Ah! ... what a condemnation you have prepared for yourselves, O men!

Ah! ... what will be your pain!

Poor men, oh you who believed the lies of the enemy and knelt to him, you will perish in Hell.

I will now provide salvation for My chosen ones, those who have abandoned themselves completely to Me, the One and Only True God, the only Creator! These children will not have to suffer the disaster that is about to strike this perverse humanity that does not want, despite My appeals, to return to Me, ... there is nothing I can do to save them because in their free will they have denied Me, ... My sorrow is infinite, My Heart groans for their loss.

My Justice is imminent! O men, believe what I say to you, I AM your God, in Me and only in Me is salvation realized.

Participate in this Salvific Mission, return to Me now, do not be afraid to repent, to resume the path of liberation, I AM!

Come on My children, oh you who wish to save yourselves, do not keep your heads in the sand as the ostriches do, come out into the open.

Defend My Holy Name, "I AM Jesus, the Nazarene, I AM the One who gave His life for your redemption!"

The conversion of this Humanity is urgently needed so that everything can be stopped!

Listen, O all people, My cry is for salvation! I love you, be saved! Return to Me, grant Me the joy of having you all Mine again.



Source: ➥
