Messages from Diverse Sources


Saturday, April 16, 2022

Jesus Returns Triumphant Today!

Message from Our Lord to Myriam Corsini in Carbonia, Sardinia, Italy


14.04.2022 - 6:30 p.m.

Sweet Spring is coming with its fragrances and delicious fruits.

Here I AM, all you people, here is the King of kings! Behold the Risen Christ! Here He is!

In His great Mercy He will receive into Himself His Children, all those who will bow down to Him and acknowledge Him as the One and Only True God.

Sound the trumpet of the Announcing Angel, ring the bells in celebration! Behold He will descend from His Heaven with the crown on His Head and the royal scepter in His hand, behold the King of Glory!

Play harps and lyres, play to great celebration! Sing O people all, sing in chorus:

... behold, the Day of the Lord has come, ... Hallelujah!

Alleluia! ... In His infinite Magnificence He will manifest Himself!

All the tribes will beat their chests, all will see Him and acclaim His Holy Name!

He is, O men! ... He is!

Weep oh you who mocked Him and put Him on the cross, for immense will be your sorrow!

Jesus returns today triumphant!

Hail to the Lord, oh all of you on earth!

Exalt His Name

Sing with joy!

Glorify God, O people all, honor the King of kings.

Heaven is quivering with infinite love for the meeting that is soon to take place with His Faithful, those who day and night have been supplicating the anticipated Return of God-Love.

Christ is Risen!

Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia!


Source: ➥
