Messages from Diverse Sources


Tuesday, April 26, 2022

The Stars Will Move, the Deaf Will Hear, the Blind Will See!

Message from The Most Holy Trinity to Myriam Corsini in Carbonia, Sardinia, Italy


Carbonia, 13.04.2022 - 2:04 p.m.

The Most Holy Trinity.

May peace and love descend in your hearts.

The walls of Rome will now tremble, the bitter cup of sin is ready to be poured upon her. The time has come, the hour is marked in her end, her glory will plummet to the ground, ... she will fall into infinite misery.

Thunder the Voice of Heaven, thunder with power! ...

Open your ears, O men, do not be deaf, the battle is on, the pain will be ever greater!

The trembling of the earth will bring to its knees the hearts of blasphemers, of traitors to the Church!

I open the new time, My greatness will happen now!

The stars will move, the deaf will hear, the blind will see!

I will light the fire of the Holy Spirit on the hearts of My children, I will shelter them in Me, ... I will put My Faithful and Perfect love in them.

Grace will descend on all those who will have honored God Love and put Him first in their lives.

An unprecedented cataclysm will hit the Earth, many will seek refuge in the mountains, in the cracks of the rocks! ... Men will try to hide to protect themselves, they will be afraid, they will feel in their hearts the despair of their sin, ... but, nothing escapes the Eye of God who will see them everywhere, ... nothing is impossible to God the Absolute! You will suddenly understand but, for many, it will be too late.

Convert yourself, O perverse generation, humble yourself to your God of Love, abandon sin, the hour is decisive, your choice is urgent, do not fall into Satan's trap, wake up and run to be safe in He who is! ... Return to your Creator God or man! Amen


Source: ➥
