Messages from Diverse Sources


Friday, May 13, 2022

I am coming for you, My children!

Message from God The Father to Myriam Corsini in Carbonia, Sardinia, Italy


Carbonia 12.05.2022 - 08.57 a.m.

I am coming to get you, My children, I am opening My Heavens to descend to you, be ready, with your shoes on your feet, your hips girded and your staff in your hand.

I am coming quickly, ... this is the hour of Redemption for My children, ... it will not pass this day that you will see Me!

The world is corrupt, My priests are lost in the miseries of Satan, in their veins flows the poison of the accursed Serpent.

My beloved children, verily I say unto you: I am about to send down thunderbolts from heaven! ... I will set the earth on fire, I will purify it.

The House of David will resume its appearance in Me, I will watch over It, I will guard it in Me.

The Beast is approaching by leaps and bounds, its lust is great, ... it is frothing at the mouth, it is in a hurry to sit on Peter's seat!

Ah, what misery in you, traitors! You have worked alongside My enemy, you have welcomed him into My House, you honor him and follow him in My place.

Truly I tell you, suddenly you will find yourselves in deep darkness, ... you will hear the mighty shout of the Father's justice! You have celebrated Satan, you have joined with him against Me, you have listened to and put into practice his laws, ... with you you have dragged many of the faithful to Hell, you have distracted them with the things of the world by turning them away from the Truth.

Today God intervenes to put His House in order and cleanse the infidels. Farewell children of Judah, ... farewell! Go now to Hell with the miserable god you preferred to Me!

Mercy on you who still waver in your choice, ... do not delay because, behold, I am coming! Amen.


Source: ➥
