Messages from Diverse Sources


Saturday, July 23, 2022

I Will Surprise This Humanity, Its Heart Will Return to Me Its Creator

Message from God The Father to Myriam Corsini in Carbonia, Sardinia, Italy


Carbonia 22 07 2022

The trumpets of the Heavenly Angels are about to sound, the history of this Humanity is about to change, Evil will leave, Good will reign.

I thunder My voice to My people: I will surprise this Humanity, I will overturn it, its heart will return to Me its Creator.

Beloved children, your God is about to intervene with Power, His Hand will be strong and will strike down the scoffers, so that they will reconsider and return to Me their Creator.

The terrible days have come, the prophecies announced are being fulfilled one after another but man still remains blind, does not want to understand and does not want to accept the Truth that is announced through Mary Most Holy and the prophets of God.

Repent quickly, My children, do not wait to be struck by the Rod of the Father, correct yourselves now, show yourselves available to the Love of your Creator God so that you may be ravished by the Holy Spirit of God!

Renounce yourselves from Satan! Embrace the holy Gospel of Jesus, ... the Love of God is waiting for you to embrace you to Himself and give you of Himself in the wonders of His infinite Good.

Go ahead, My children, roll up your sleeves to fulfill God's calls, work the Lord's Vineyard, soon He will call you to Himself and you will have to show Him your good works to have His holy heavenly Gifts.

It is time to taste new and delightful things, My children, oh all you children of the Lord.

To all of you who call Me FATHER, I give My special blessing.

I love you!

God the Father, the Almighty Yahweh.

Source: ➥
