Prayers to Unite with Holy Love
Prayers taught by Heaven to Maureen Sweeney-Kyle at Holy Love, North Ridgeville, Ohio, USA
Table of Contents
Acts of Consecration
Consecration of the World to The United Hearts
September 18, 2007
(To be recited by Church Leaders)
Heavenly Father, in this present moment, which You have created and willed, I __________________ (name), do hereby consecrate the heart of this country, ____________________ (name) to the United Hearts of the Holy Trinity in union with the Immaculate Heart of Mary.
About the Worldwide Consecration to the United Hearts
September 15, 2007
Feast of the Sorrowful Mother
3:00 p.m. Service in the United Hearts Field

Jesus and Blessed Mother are here with Their Hearts exposed. Blessed Mother says: “Praise be to Jesus.” Jesus says: “I am your Jesus, born Incarnate.”
Jesus: “The way to world peace is only through Holy and Divine Love. Therefore, I am seeking this worldwide consecration to Our United Hearts so that the heart of the world can be affected towards the change for good. This way the grace will be given to all political leaders to see their errors and their sins against love. I am counting on My Church leaders—all Church leaders, all ecclesiasticals—to carry out My requests.”
“I am aware of the petitions in hearts of the needs that every soul has. Listen and watch for God’s Holy and Divine Will in your lives.”
“We’re blessing you with the Complete Blessing of Our United Hearts.”
September 17, 2007
Jesus and Blessed Mother are here with Their Hearts exposed. Blessed Mother says: “Praise be to Jesus.” Jesus says: “I am your Jesus, born Incarnate.”
Jesus: “My brothers and sisters, we have shared the time together this weekend. Carry the devotion to Our United Hearts back to your points of origin. I plead with you—follow through in having your nations consecrated to Our United Hearts, for it is in this way that the heart of the world will be transformed into a heart of Holy and Divine Love. It is in this way that each political figure will understand what he must do in righteousness.” [A personal message was given.]
Jesus: “We’re extending to you the Complete Blessing of Our United Hearts.”
During the fifth mystery of the rosary, Alanus was here. * He said: “Praise be to Jesus.”
“The world can only find peace through the United Hearts of Jesus and Mary. Pray and sacrifice that Holy and Divine Love grip the heart of the world. Pray and sacrifice.”
* Alanus is one of Maureen’s angels.
September 18, 2007

I (Maureen) see a great Flame that I have come to know as the Heart of God the Father, and then I hear: “I am the Eternal Father—the Eternal Now.”
“Before time began—before I created time and space—I knew you. I knew what you would be doing in this present moment. I knew the sins you fell into. I know your weaknesses now. I love you.”
“The Message given on the Feast of Sorrows proceeds from a troubled Heart of your Father. It is given as a last alternative to Divine Justice in the face of the multitude of sin and error throughout the world.”
“If all nations will listen—if Church leaders throughout the world will adhere to My wishes—the heart of the world will turn white with innocence once again. World leaders will be shown their mistakes and convicted of their errors. I even give you, O man, the leniency, that this consecration does not need to be coordinated into a specific time frame. Rather, when you hear My Voice through this Message, accomplish My request. This is My Divine Will. I speak to all churches—all governments—all ecclesiastics. Speak up thus for righteousness:”
[God the Father then gives church leaders the consecration prayer]
“If enough accomplish this and answer My request, you will gradually see governments change their policies, and finally, the heart of the world will return to innocence.”
October 5, 2007
Monthly Message to All People and Every Nation

Jesus is here with His Heart exposed. He has a brilliant white light around Him, and there is a great Flame around the white light. It looks like the Father’s Paternal Heart that I have come to know recently. Jesus says: “I am your Jesus, born Incarnate.”
Jesus: “Today I have come to reiterate the need for the heart of the world to be consecrated to Our United Hearts. All that opposes this is outside the Will of My Father. This consecration of individual countries will serve as a sin offering and a protection from Satan’s attacks. It is the Merciful Hand of My Father that offers this grace in the midst of chaos and confusion.”
“You must see that I cannot shepherd you away from sin if your hearts carry you elsewhere. This consecration of whole countries, of churches and congregations will renew in hearts the goal of personal holiness—a goal that holds little value in the world today.”
“Through the Father’s Will, I desire that the world be transformed into a new creation—a creation of Holy and Divine Love. You have the technology to make Heaven’s plan known; if you hear Me, put it to use.”
“While the world waits and watches for the next act of terrorism, the next natural disaster, I invite you to believe in the solution Heaven has given you. Do not waste time in contemplating ways this plan might fail. Face the grave reality of the place the world is in today and decide to help Me; decide to help all of humanity.”
“Holy and Divine Love are never wrong. Therefore, the Vessels of Holy and Divine Love—the United Hearts—must be regarded as trustworthy in Their Essence and Their Call to Humanity. To choose Holy and Divine Love is to choose the Heart of the Father and, therefore, His Mighty Divine Will.”
“Do not adopt the spirit of the world as your own— the spirit that encourages gloom and doom—the spirit that discourages the solution Heaven offers, and prefers to await the Hand of Justice. I do not desire to impart My Justice upon the world. Rather, I invite the heart of the world into My Heart of Mercy and Love. Heed My call! Accept My invitation with gratitude.”
“My Father, Who is the Creator of all good, offers the grace of this consecration as a means of being once more united to all mankind as was His Will from the beginning of time. The consecration would form a bridge between Heaven and earth—a bridge between man’s free will and His Divine Will. It would be a bridge of love.”
“My dear brothers and sisters, do all you can to further this consecration in hearts and in the world. For I tell you, it is when this bridge is constructed by merit of this consecration, the Cross and the Victory will become one again.”
“Today I’m extending to you the Complete Blessing of Our United Hearts.”
March 5, 2008
Monthly Message to All People and Every Nation
Jesus: “I desire to fill the world with My Merciful Love. This alone is the reason I speak here. Once again I ask for the consecration of the world to the United Hearts of the Most Blessed Trinity and the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Then I will triumph and reign!”
Prayer of Consecration to the Truth
Jesus, July 13, 2007
Your words, Lord, are Light and Truth. Your Provision, Your Mercy and Your Love come to me clothed in truth.
Help me always to live in Your Truth. Assist me in recognizing Satan’s deceit in my own thoughts and in the thoughts, words and actions of others. Do not let humility elude me, as I know humility is truth itself. Amen.
Offering of Past Crosses
November 5, 2006
Monthly Message to All People and Every Nation

Jesus and Blessed Mother are here with Their Hearts exposed. They nod Their Heads, greeting everyone here in the room. Blessed Mother says: “Praise be to Jesus.” Jesus says: “I am your Jesus, born Incarnate.”
Jesus: “Today, as always, I come to speak to My Remnant Faithful. The heart of the world is in turmoil, spurned and fed by aggressive self-love. I need My army of victim souls—those who choose Divine Victimhood with loving hearts—to appease My Most Wounded Heart in this hour of distress, which weighs the world down in sin and error.”
“So, today, the Father wills I come to you with this important revelation. While it is true that once past, the present moment is gone forever; it is also true that all humanity lives in the Eternal Now, for there is no time or space in eternity. Therefore, living in the present in the Eternal Now, you can give to Me all that you suffered in the past as redemptive grace for souls who travel the road to perdition. There are just two conditions. You must have been in a state of grace when you suffered the particular cross you now desire to give Me, and you must have suffered it with love.”
“This means every insult, every illness—even as an infant, if you were baptized at the time—every inconvenience, every embarrassment can now be given to Me as a gift! This increases and strengthens the arsenal of weapons I will use against evil in the world. All you need do is say:
Offering of Past Crosses
Jesus, I give to You with love, all my past crosses.
Then I will take even the smallest crosses, even the ones you do not remember, and use them to save souls. It is a great victory in the war against evil that I am able to tell you this today.”
“There are certain conditions which weaken your offering to Me of past crosses. One would be if the soul is not in a state of grace at the moment he offers to Me all past suffering. Another would be if he is assailed with doubts about the Message itself. But even these conditions which weaken the offering will not negate completely the total act of consecrating past crosses to Me. Instead, I will inspire the soul to be properly disposed, and to offer these past crosses to Me again.”
“You must understand what a great grace this is that I give to the world today. [He has a quiver of arrows over His Shoulder, and it seems the tips are flames.] With this arsenal I can reach the hearts of errant leaders and weaken their aggressive nature. You who offer Me these past crosses are helping Me to close the abyss between Heaven and earth, and to restore harmony between the Eternal Divine Will of My Father and man’s free will.”
“The only thing you lose forever in the present moment is that which is not loving. The only thing which you save in the Eternal Now is all that you think, say and do in Holy Love. Holy and Divine Love are eternal.”
“As more and more souls relinquish to Me all their past crosses—great and small—I am opening wide the First Chamber of Our United Hearts, the Heart of My Mother, which is Holy Love.”
“As more and more souls turn to Me by merit of the powerful force of this offering of past crosses, Satan’s attacks upon this Mission of Our United Hearts will be more easily discerned and readily thwarted. Therefore, understand that the more who offer to Me their past crosses in this way, the weaker Satan becomes. It is necessary that you comprehend this and with dispatch, propagate this Message. Many souls, many vocations, many marriages will be saved in this way.”
“The power of these sacrifices of past crosses from souls around the world will allow Me to stop wars, reveal evil that is nurtured under the cover of darkness, strengthen the Remnant and the Tradition of Faith, and calm erratic forces of nature. Perhaps, then, you see the significance of My words to you today.”
“My brothers and sisters, please understand that when you atone to the Hearts of Jesus and Mary, you also appease the Heart of the Divine Father. Thus, by offering Me the crosses in your past life, the circle is complete; the Hour of Mercy extends, and My Justice is delayed by the Will of God.”
Jesus extends His Hands out over the people and says: “Today We’re extending to you the Blessing of Our United Hearts.”
Consecration to Self-Denial
November 3, 2006
Dear Jesus, Divine and Beloved Savior, today I surrender to You every pain—physical, spiritual or emotional. I will not complain about inconveniences, demands upon my time, breaches of privacy or the rudeness of those You put in my life today. With Your help, I will accept each present moment with Holy Love. Amen.
St. Martin de Porres: “The reason the Lord sent me to you with that morning prayer is, if you recite it in the morning, then great and small sacrifices that you may forget to offer the Lord have already been given to Him.”
Children’s Consecration to the United Hearts
October 12, 2006
Dear United Hearts of Jesus and Mary, I love You very much. I want to give You this present moment and all the future moments of my life. I always want to please You. I give You my heart today and always, and pray You will unite it to Your United Hearts.
Place in my heart, dear Jesus and Mary, the desire to help sinners turn to You. Amen.
St. Margaret Mary Alacoque: “Copy this prayer to the United Hearts. It can serve as a consecration of children to the Two Hearts. Propagate it among the young.”
Consecration of Nations to God’s Divine Will
May 29, 2006
I, (Name), as leader of this nation of ___________, desire to consecrate this country to God’s Divine Will which is Love and Mercy itself. I realize that the future of this nation depends upon Divine Mercy and Divine Love.
I resolve to avoid offending God’s Will in any way through supporting legislation which is contrary to His Love and Mercy, or in taking any diplomatic measure which transgresses human rights. I surrender the future to God’s Will and His Provision. Amen.
Jesus: “I have come so that the leaders of every nation can put this prayer to use.”
Consecration of Faults to Divine Love
August 31, 2005
Dear Jesus, Divine Love Incarnate, in this present moment I ask You to accept the surrender of all my faults. I consecrate every fault and weakness to Divine Love.
With this surrender I know You will show me more clearly what my faults are, why I give in to them, and You will give me strength to overcome them. Amen.
St. Thomas Aquinas: “Today I have come to help you realize the benefit of consecrating all your faults to Divine Love. In this act of consecration you will realize the root cause of your faults, which is the portal Satan uses to lead you astray; the nature of your faults; and the solution to overcoming each fault. This is the step each soul must take in order for Divine Love to become victorious in his heart.”
Consecration to the Eucharistic Heart
For Priests
May 31, 2005
I am your Jesus, born Incarnate."
"As there are many priests coming here*, both Orthodox and Roman Rite, I desire at this time to address them."
"My brothers, in this present moment, I desire that you rededicate your lives and your vocation. Consecrate yourselves to My Eucharistic Heart through the Immaculate Heart of My Mother. Then, through the Eucharistic Heart of your Lord and Savior, be consecrated to the Divine Will of the Eternal Father. Through this recommitment, you will live in Divine Love."
"Pray this:"
My Jesus, Divine Good, accept my heart as Your instrument in the world through Holy Love, which is the Immaculate Heart of Mary. I consecrate my vocation in this present moment to Your Eucharistic Heart. I will dedicate my life to bringing the Holy Eucharist to those You lead me to, and to whom I am led.
I desire union and faithfulness to the Will of the Eternal Father through consecration to Your Eucharistic Heart. Amen.
* To Maranatha Spring and Shrine located at 37137 Butternut Ridge Rd in North Ridgeville, Ohio 44039
Consecration to Holy Love in the Present Moment
January 21, 2002
St. Thomas Aquinas: "My sister, today there are many distractions in your life. Jesus desires that you consecrate your day to Holy Love. He sends me to repeat to you this prayer:
Heavenly Father, I consecrate my heart in this present moment to Holy Love. Keep me mindful of this throughout the day so that all my thoughts and actions will proceed from Holy Love.
I cover this petition with the Most Precious Blood of Jesus, your Son, and surround it with the Tears of His Most Sorrowful Mother. Amen.
Prayer for Assistance With Living in Love
April 30, 2007
The Eternal Father—Father of All Creation
Dear Heavenly Father, You are the Eternal Now. You created every present moment.
Help me to consecrate every present moment to Holy and Divine Love, for I understand it is only through Holy and Divine Love that mankind can be reconciled with his Creator. Amen.
“Do not presume, mankind, that you can overcome by yourself, obstacles to living in love. Ask for My assistance. Desire My assistance. It is only in and through grace, harmony with My Divine Will can return.”
Family Consecration To The United Hearts
October 31, 2001
St. Thomas Aquinas comes. He bows and prays before the tabernacle. He says: “Praise be to Jesus.” He sits...
”You know the times are perilous. There is much speculation about the future. People live in fear, not trust. It is time for families to be consecrated to the United Hearts and to make a personal consecration to The Flame of Holy Love. This will be like the lamb’s blood on the portal of their hearts and homes. Evil will pass over them and by them...”
Family Consecration Ceremony
- Gather your family.
- Read the two Scripture passages.
- Recite the three prayers given.
- Display pictures of the United Hearts and of Mary, Refuge of Holy Love, in your home.
- Pray the family consecration prayers on a daily basis. (optional)
2 Chronicles—Chapter 7, vs. 16
For now I have chosen and consecrated this house so that My Name may be there forever; My Eyes and My Heart will be there for all time.
Exodus—Chapter 12, vs. 7 and vs.13
Then they shall take some of the blood and put it on the two doorposts and the lintel of the houses in which they eat them. The blood shall be a sign for you, upon the houses where you are; and when I see the blood, I will pass over you, and no plague shall fall upon you to destroy you when I smite the land of Egypt.
Consecration to the Flame of Holy Love
Immaculate Heart of Mary, humbly, I ask that You take my heart into the Flame of Holy Love, that is the Spiritual Refuge of all mankind. Do not look upon my faults and failings, but allow these iniquities to be burned away by this purifying Flame.
Through Holy Love, help me to be sanctified in the present moment, and in so doing, give to You, dear Mother, my every thought, word, and action. Take me and use me according to Your great pleasure. Allow me to be Your instrument in the world, all for the greater glory of God and towards Your victorious reign. Amen.
Dedication of Homes to Mary, Refuge of Holy Love
Mary, my Mother, my Fortress—Refuge of Holy Love—sanctify this home through Holy Love. Open each heart that dwells herein to holiness. Lead us along the path of Holy Love. Be victorious over any evil, whether it be an unknown force within these walls, a seductive habit, or some voluntary attachment we have chosen ourselves. Make this home a sanctuary of Holy Love. Amen.
Consecration of Families to The United Hearts of Jesus and Mary
Sacred and United Hearts of Jesus and Mary, You are one in purpose as You desire the salvation, holiness, and sanctity of each soul. We consecrate our family to You seeking Your victory both in our hearts and in the world. We acknowledge the perfection of Your mercy in the past, the abundance of Your provision in the future, and the supreme sovereignty of the Father’s Divine Will in this present moment. We desire to be part of Your triumphant reign beginning in this present moment through our ‘yes’ to Holy and Divine Love. We wish, with the help of Your grace, to live out this consecration through every future moment. Thus we will be united in triumph with You, dear United Hearts of Jesus and Mary. Amen.
Consecration to the Divine Will
October 15, 2001
At adoration I was given the following prayer by two angels who were adoring Jesus. They said: "Praise be to Jesus."
Heavenly Father, I desire that You place the Seal of Your Divine Will upon my heart. Thus, I will accept Your Will in all situations and in every present moment. I will accept all things as from Your Hand for the good of my salvation and the salvation of others. Amen.
Consecration of Families
To the United Hearts of Jesus and Mary
February 5, 2000
Sacred and United Hearts of Jesus and Mary, You are one in purpose as You desire the salvation, holiness, and sanctity of each soul. We consecrate our family to You seeking Your victory both in our hearts and in the world. We acknowledge the perfection of Your mercy in the past, the abundance of Your provision in the future, and the supreme sovereignty of the Father’s Divine Will in this present moment. We desire to be part of Your triumphant reign beginning in this present moment through our ‘yes’ to Holy and Divine Love. We wish, with the help of Your grace, to live out this consecration through every future moment. Thus we will be united in triumph with You, dear United Hearts of Jesus and Mary. Amen.

Jesus: “There are many graces I stand ready to give to each soul that are unknown to the world. These graces are never asked for – never petitioned – and therefore do not blossom in the world. But today I am giving you a Consecration to Our United Hearts specifically for families. This dedication of the family towards the victory of Our United Hearts is not just for some, but for all people – all nations. Many and particular graces will be given families who so consecrate themselves in this way. Family members who refuse to participate in this consecration will be left outside the circle of grace which surrounds the consecrated family members, but I will extend many graces towards their conversion that they would not otherwise have. When I speak of family, I speak of those related by blood line or marriage.”
“I have promised, My brothers and sisters, to be with you until the end of time as you now know it.”
“Through this consecration My grace will surround you and uphold you, both in good times and in bad. Every difficulty will gain merit through your surrender to Divine Love. Your families will be united if they respond to the grace I offer. And you, My brothers and sisters, will share the victory of Our United Hearts, both on earth and in Heaven, when you respond to this grace.”
Consecration to Divine Love
October 12, 1999
"I am your Jesus, born Incarnate. Today, at last, I have come to give you the Consecration to Divine Love. Here it is."
My Jesus, Divine Love Itself, I consecrate myself completely to You. In and through this consecration I unite my soul to Divine Love, understanding that in so doing I will be a martyr of love. I choose to seek only Your good pleasure in the present moment, Jesus. Thus, I surrender to You my health, my appearance, and even my own comforts. Through this surrender I pray that Divine Love will be victorious in every heart. Enfolded within this consecration to Your Divine Love, sweet Jesus, find my 'yes' to the Divine Will of God in every moment and with every breath.
I seek nothing that You would not have me seek. I love no person, place, or thing beyond Your Will for Me. I embrace every cross You permit and cherish every grace You provide. Amen.
Prayer for Assistance to Live The
Consecration to Divine Love
October 14, 1999
Heavenly Father, Lord Jesus Christ, and Holy Spirit of God,
I come before You as I have consecrated my body and soul to Divine Love. I ask Your assistance in living out this consecration in every present moment. Help me to surrender to every cross, and to recognize and respond to every precious grace You place in my life. Through my consecration to Divine Love, I beg Your assistance in annihilating my own will and living in Your Divine Will. Amen.
Jesus: “Recite this prayer with the consecration to Divine Love daily, and you will receive an angel by your side to assist you in faithfulness to the consecration.”
To all those who will surrender to Divine Love through a true consecration, Jesus promises these spiritual benefits:
- His Assistance – Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity in coming deep into Divine Love.
- His Assistance to a deepening awareness of God’s Holy and Divine Will in the present moment.
- The crosses in their lives will be more meritorious, as they will be able to surrender more completely to them. Thus as Jesus’ Victorious Heart is embraced by a crown of thorns, so shall their own hearts be thus embraced, bringing to Him sinners.
- Every burden in this life will be sweet and light by His grace.
- Their lives will be signs of Divine Love in the world.
- Those who live in the Divine Love and Will of God will have peace in this life and the promise of salvation at their death. It is then Jesus’ Mother will come for them with Her angels.
Consecration to the Immaculate Heart of Mary
Dear Blessed Virgin Mary, Protectress of Our Faith and Mother of All Good, come to us with Your motherly love. Open Your Most Pure Immaculate Heart and allow the nectar of grace within it to pour out upon us. Fill our souls with this sweet nectar. Help us to dedicate our lives to Your service. Lead us ever closer to Your Most Beloved Son. Show us the path of salvation and steep our hearts in holiness. Let our every goal be in accord with Your Immaculate Heart. Touch our hearts dear Mother. Amen.
Our Lady:
“My Immaculate Heart pleads with you for more prayer.”
June 20, 1998
Morning Consecration to the Holy Spirit
January 3, 1998
Most Holy Spirit, I consecrate to You this day in time. Open my heart to Your promptings. Inspire me to do the Divine Will of God. Amen.
Our Lady: “When you begin the day in such a way, the Holy Spirit will be with you and guide you. You will not fear any consequence of the day as you will be under His protection.”
Marriage Consecration
November 2, 1996
Holy and Sacred United Hearts of Jesus and Mary, we consecrate our marriage to You today in this present moment. Through this consecration, we will dedicate our hearts to Your victory. United in You we seek Your protection and provision. Increase our love for You and for each other with every breath we take. Regally clothe our hearts in the Divine Will of the Eternal Father. Help us to increase in holiness in and through Your United Hearts. Amen.
Jesus: “I am giving you this consecration of marriages to Our United Hearts because of these times. These last days before My triumphant return see Satan attacking all vocations – but in particular the priesthood and marriages. Marriages consecrated to Our United Hearts will find the way made easier. Pray this prayer daily for Our Protection and Provision.”
“Propagate this consecration. It carries with it many graces. It will strengthen the soul of marriages gone stale. It will increase fervor in hearts. It will convert the unconverted who consents to pray it.”
Consecration to the Present Moment
September 5, 1995
Our Lady: "... I desire My children understand, now, and always, the certain treasure of the present moment. It is here within the present moment all will choose for, or against good. Salvation is in the present moment, so too, your sanctification. So that My people cease to waste the present, but surrender in it to Holy Love, I am here to give you a special prayer - CONSECRATION TO THE PRESENT MOMENT."
She raises Her eyes to Heaven and prays:
Dear Heavenly Father, I surrender this present moment to Your Holy Will. I choose through the Hearts of Jesus and Mary to be purified. I surrender to every cross and grace You choose for me. I trust in Your Divine Providence. I am, in this present moment, your servant of Holy Love. Amen.
Consecration to the Flame of Holy Love
April 16, 1995
Immaculate Heart of Mary, humbly, I ask that You take my heart into the Flame of Holy Love, that is the spiritual refuge of all mankind. Do not look upon my faults and failings, but allow these iniquities to be burned away by this purifying Flame.
Through Holy Love, help me to be sanctified in the present moment, and in so doing, give to You, dear Mother, my every thought, word, and action. Take me and use me according to Your great pleasure. Allow me to be Your instrument in the world, all for the greater glory of God and towards Your victorious reign. Amen.

Our Lady: "The souls that thus consecrate themselves relinquish to Me all their faults, their sins - both past and future, their virtues - those they have and will have, their sorrows, their joys and their fears. I will reign in their hearts being victorious over besetting sins. I will take dominion over interior and exterior goods. I ask only their undying faithfulness to living in Holy Love, and to spreading the message of Holy Love. In so doing, they will be My instruments in leading souls into the New Jerusalem."
"Souls that desire to make this consecration must for three days prepare their hearts.
Each day I desire that they perform some corporal work of Mercy.
Each day they must evangelize the Holy Love message to at least one person.
Each day they must reverently receive My Son in the Eucharist [if Catholic]. These three days of light will serve as armor against the three days of darkness that are to come. This is God's Merciful Love I am giving to humanity through you."
The Corporal Works of Mercy
- Feed the hungry.
- Give drink to the thirsty.
- Clothe the naked.
- Shelter the homeless.
- Comfort the imprisoned.
- Visit the sick.
- Bury the dead.
Consecration to the Sacred Heart of Jesus
Most Adorable Sacred Heart of Jesus, look upon our lowliness with the goodness of Your mercy. Be present, O loving Heart of Jesus, when we slip in sin, when we pray, when we are working, and when we are at play. Draw us ever closer to Your most gracious Heart. O wellspring of salvation, never let us lose sight of our goal - to reach Heaven. Help us when Satan spreads his discouragement. Open our eyes to his many entrapments. Be our guide towards the precious Wound of Your Heart, so that we may drink of its fountain of life. Keep us ever mindful of Your most infinite mercy and Your eternal love for all humanity. Teach us to love as You loved, Sweet Heart of Jesus. Open our poor hearts to love. Let us always treasure Your Most Sacred Heart. Amen.
Consecration to the United Hearts
Most Worthy, United Hearts of Jesus and Mary, I willingly consecrate myself this day to You. I surrender to You all I own, both interior and exterior. Let my life be a continual hymn of praise to Your Most Holy United Hearts. Take the victories and defeats of this moment into Your Hearts. Use them, as You need them, to bring about Your triumphant reign. Amen.
Consecration to the Eucharistic Heart
Our Lady, February 20, 1994
Most Sacred, Eucharistic Heart of Jesus, Eternal Victim, truly present in the tabernacles of the world, to You I consecrate my entire being -body and soul. I place in Your Heart - burning ember of Divine Love - my every burden and petition. Take me and use me according to Your need and bring about the Glorious Reign of Your Eucharistic Heart on earth. Amen.
Consecration to the Cross
December 4, 1990
The Key to the Church of Atonement
My Jesus, I consecrate myself this day to Your Holy Cross.
Just as You took upon Yourself that great Cross for the sake of all humanity, so I vow to embrace the crosses in my life. Everything I suffer I give back to You, my Sweet Jesus, to atone for my sins and those of all the world. I will begin and end each day at the foot of Your Cross, together with our Most Blessed Mother and Saint John, our brother. My only pleasure will be to comfort You, my Sweet Savior. Amen.
Prayers and messages are taken from the books "Triumphant Hearts Prayer Book 2nd Edition" and "United Hearts Book of Prayers and Meditations", which you can download here.
Prayers, Consecrations and Exorcisms
The Queen of Prayer: The Holy Rosary 🌹
Various Prayers, Consecrations and Exorcisms
Prayers from Jesus the Good Shepherd to Enoch
Prayers for the Divine Preparation of Hearts
Prayers of the Holy Family Refuge
Prayers from other Revelations
Prayers by Our Lady of Jacarei
Devotion to the Most Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph
Prayers to Unite with Holy Love
The Flame of Love of the Immaculate Heart of Mary